I'm only in my early 20's and my hair has been turning gray since I was a preteen. I have a younger sibling (a brother) whose hair has been turning gray since he was 10! What's the deal-- my mom's hair didn't start to change color until she was 30, and my dad's didn't start until he was well into his 30's. I also know that his mom (my grandma) still had very dark hair (no graying) until she was in her 50's (my family is from a very poor country and having hair dye was a luxury).
Could I have a medical condition? It's just so embarrassing to know that at my age (not even 25 yet!) I have to dye my hair in order to cover the gray. Is there anything that I can possibly do? I really dislike dyeing my hair but it's worse to comb it and when I make a part, see several gray hairs.
Why is my hair turning gray??
Gray hair is almost entirely based on genetics, so don't worry, it's probably not a a medical condition. Your parents did turn gray pretty young. It usually starts around 40. Just to be careful though, some medical conditions cause premature graying, such as anemia (iron deficiency) and thyroid problems. Eat a lot of vitamin B12, if you don't get enough of that your hair can turn gray faster. Oh, by the way, my math teacher was almost completely bald at the age of 25. Grayness is better than baldness. You can try henna dye, I heard it covers gray very well but sometimes you get a reddish tint.
Why is my hair turning gray??
It may be stress!
Why is my hair turning gray??
some people are just like that. i think its cool actually.
Why is my hair turning gray??
My sister is 15 and her hair is, it depends , it must be in your genes
Why is my hair turning gray??
it could be stress,genes,or your ethnicity! but its okay
Why is my hair turning gray??
maybe its from your old generations..(Genetic)
Why is my hair turning gray??
most people like it, and look at the bright side, you won't get proofed for buying alcohol
Why is my hair turning gray??
it could be a medical condition my friend was 13 when she was having grey hair. you may have fing worm it turns your hair grey ask a Dr. and see if he/she has any of a special shampoo to fight ring worm
Why is my hair turning gray??
nope no help at all
Why is my hair turning gray??
are you adopted?
Why is my hair turning gray??
if your hair was dark, it may just be salt and pepper hair, and that happens to people at younge ages. its either that or yur a weirdo
Why is my hair turning gray??
I'm pretty sure it all has to do with your family's genes and by that, I don't mean the kind you wear. :)
Why is my hair turning gray??
It's hereditary and may skip generations. My best friend and her mom went completely gray in there 20's
Why is my hair turning gray??
I can't fully answer that question for you, but it seems like you don't have a medical condition because your brother has that too. if it bothers you that much, you can try the doctor. I have heard of lots of other people who say that they went gray in their twenties.
if you want a quick fix, there was a product at long's that was just for roots or gray hair and it was a mascara (different product for light and dark hair) hair dye type thing that you could just put over the hair and it would work just like dye. it was under $10...you should try that for less hassle
Why is my hair turning gray??
idk why your hair has been turning gray since when you're a preteen but if you always be washing your hair or putting alot of perms in your hair this maybe the reason why.I hope this helps!!!
Why is my hair turning gray??
Could be a family thing, hereditary, you know? Well also, if you stay out in the sun your hair turns gray in years later. But teens and preteens get it too, i am sorry. But i tell it as it is.
Why is my hair turning gray??
Sounds like it's genetics.
Why is my hair turning gray??
well it's probably not a medical condition but you could, possibly, make some changes to your diet or habits to lessen the grey. my husband says that if you eat a lot of tomatoes it helps, and he's usually right on. also, the obvious one, stress, will make you get more grey hairs, so, it would seem to follow that the happier you are the less grey hairs, at least in part. so, diet and lifestyle. good luck! otherwise i'd say just go with it and try to make it a positive part of your look.
Why is my hair turning gray??
it depends on what u stress over or it chould be genitous
Why is my hair turning gray??
genetics but hey your not the only one Taylor Hicks is like that too! and hes only 31 right now
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