Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What do you use to condition damaged hair?

I have done everything to my hair that you should not do. I have permed it (caused my hair to get really dry and it came out in clumps), bleached it, colored it myself (bad idea), flat ironed, curling iron. I stopped coloring my hair myself and decided to go to a hair stylist. I went to see her every 2-3 months. We decided to put highlights in my hair. When my roots were coming out I went to her thinking she would just touch up my roots. I don't know anything about coloring so I ask you guys, shouldn't she have found my old highlights and then just colored the top? She made NEW highlights and bleached the whole thing! She also kept it in for too long I went to another salon and they said "If you wanted your hair a certain red it should have been only dirty blonde, your hair is WHITE." I have no idea how to salvage my hair anymore. I comb it and in seconds its already tangled itself. I get my ends trimmed and ... nothing.. someone help :(

What do you use to condition damaged hair?

Use a deep conditioner EVERYDAY. I reccomend S-factor deep conditioner. It smells so incredible. It's kinda pricey, but your hair sounds like it needs the best there is.

Also, buy length and strength by Garnier Fructis. It helps your split ends.

In the future, use a heat defender spray/serum when you use styling products. I reccomend Paul Mitchell super skinny serum or S-Factor heat defender flat iron spray.

Also, make sure it's a very professional salong where you get your hair colored. Don't go to a chain hair place, one in a mall, anything like that. Find an upscale salon. It WILL be worth it.

What do you use to condition damaged hair?

Look at this site. It recommends coconut oil, and i think that's your best bet, as it smells delicious! :D


What do you use to condition damaged hair?

just apply egg white for once in a week , before going to shower,apply like shampoo,just for one month , good result for your hair.

for fast hair growth and skin care just step in to

What do you use to condition damaged hair?

Coconut oil works well.

Recommended to me by south Indian ladies.

They all had beautiful condition hair that was very long.

Warm it - solid when cold - massage it through your hair - wrap in a warm towel and leave on for a an hour or two.

Shampoo out condition and dry naturally.

This may take several efforts over some time.

When hair is good use the treatment once a week.

What do you use to condition damaged hair?

You should go to the store and buy some real good conditioner for your hair, you should also buy some leave in conditioner as well. If your hair is really dry try a hot oil treatment, it doesn't cost much and it real easy to use.



What do you use to condition damaged hair?

hey listen my frnd had a same hair disaster so i told her my secret n now im tellin u

see my hair were very dry at first n ppl used to call it bushes so i got it cut into bangs n this is wat i applied--

mash a banana nicely n wen u bathe apply it on ur hair shampoo after leaving it for 5 mins. the banana is very sticky n wud not come out so while ur bathing only apply coconut oil on ur hair then comb it the very small n sticky pieces of banana wud come out wid the comb. wen all the pieces come out then shampoo ur hair again n remove the oil

=%26gt; dont over shampoo

let ur hair dry naturally n dont use a hair drier

i wud also suggest to change ur hairdresser n apply oil on ur hair every nite(olive or coconut oil)

best of luck :-D

What do you use to condition damaged hair?

apply egg white once in a week in the shower

What do you use to condition damaged hair?

u should buy conditioners that particullarly say " for (very) dry hair" or smthn like that or conditioners w/ coconut oil. don't use gel or hairspray if u can cuz that'll make the situation worse. also, dont use blowdryers that are too hot cuz u'll just make it worse..a lot worse...use herbal shampoos to give ur hair nutrients and moisture...good luck on d bad hair days! = )

What do you use to condition damaged hair?

Totally agree! Egg white but with a little baby oil, and wrap ur hair in warm towel. This is a very messy process, but definitely helps! I had really bad hair, and i snipped it off and started this routine weekly.. and now, i always have great comments on my hair. But you have to first consider having a really short hair cut.

What do you use to condition damaged hair?

The only thing you can really do is keep trimming it. Once hair is damaged,it's damaged,there is no repairing it.

What do you use to condition damaged hair?

The same thing happened to me. I bleached my hair platinum and it became crunchy and started falling out and breaking off. What I did was 3-4 times a week, I left a conditioner in for like 20 minutes after washing and then rinsed it out and always used a leave-in (spray) conditioner or heat protectant everyday. I also bought this stuff called 3 minute miracle by Aussie that I use a couple times a week and it's amazing, seriously. It's been about a month and my hair is back to the condition it was before. And don't use cheap shampoo. Ever. I bought a color specific shampoo and conditioner (Treseme) that didn't dry it out even more. Hope this helps!

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