Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Have heating tongs permanently damage hair?

Hi people

I recently asked a question similar to this but I'm in need of more help.

When I had my hair straightened for the first time (over a week ago now), I think the heat might have been too high although I know my hair wasn't damp when it was straightened but maybe a tiny bit in some in areas.

I've had this done on about 2 or 3 occasions and no heat protection spray was used. I have gone back to the way I normally have my hair and I even had a little trim to get rid of the split ends I had as a result.

I'm afraid I may have permanently damaged my hair and stopped it from ever becoming thick and curly again (like it normally is). It appears thinner, more lank and doesn't normally stick up like it did, it seems to fall back into a flat position. I'm also noticing a few hairs on my wide tooth comb when I comb it. The straightening was done well over a week ago now. Should I have any reason to panic? I hate to think I've permanently messed up my hair from doing this.

Thanks guy

Have heating tongs permanently damage hair?

High heat can damage hair, and over-processing can take its toll. It is always best to find a style that works with your own hairs texture and curl. Nothing can permanently ruin hair, as it always grows out, but the interim can be a real nightmare with dry, straw-like hair for many months. A good salon should actually refuse to over-process damaged hair. Go back to your salon and tell them you are having problems and ask if some deep conditioning might help.

Have heating tongs permanently damage hair?

A curling iron damaged mine, or rather the bottom few inches after almost daily use long-term. I used protective products, and thought I'd be ok, but it made my hair very dry and eventually it wouldn't take a curl anymore. I ended up cutting off quite a bit, and let my hair grow back. Since my hair has grown back in healthy, I've tried to maintain its health by using heated tools sparingly..

Please take a look at this intriguing question. I really need more help on it. Thanks so much! :) http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;...

Have heating tongs permanently damage hair?

yes but not permenantly

Have heating tongs permanently damage hair?

Yes, kindly permanently messed up your hair, hearafter don't use any artificical elements on the hair because it will damage the Naturalness of hair and the Natural hair. Use always noraml cocunut oil and comb, don't use shampoo's too much. be natural your hairs will always with you with natural things. try the best hereafter.

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