Basically, I caught head lice off of a friend, since then I treated my hair twice and have been combing twice a week. I found nothing live since finding once head louse three weeks ago, any eggs that I found were brown and I couldn't pop, which therefore meant that the treatment killed the eggs as they were dead. I was doing my twice a week check up and found three eggs that I could pop, but nothing live. I seriously don't know what to do. I know that person that has got lice, so my best bet is I caught them off her again and that there is an adult lice laying eggs. I have not found anything live, but I need to re trea my hair right ?
This is seriously getting me down, I don't know how to cope !
Please help !
I am 17 and literally pulling my hair out because of head lice.?
you need to treat the environment your living also.. make sure you wash all your bedding and hoover.. stop going near your friends head, and get her some damn nit lotion.. thats nasty that she's got them and not doing anything about it.. all you can do is go to your GP for stronger lotion and keep brushing daily with a nit lotion
I am 17 and literally pulling my hair out because of head lice.?
I've never had lice, but i remember the problem with them is that they infest linnens, clothing and any other fiberous surface they can jump onto. In addition to treating your scalp, you're going to be doing an awful lot of laundry...
I am 17 and literally pulling my hair out because of head lice.?
After you get rid of them again, you need to stay away from that person. Unless they clean up thier act.
I am 17 and literally pulling my hair out because of head lice.?
if i was youa tree oil to kill them. Its stinks but works
I am 17 and literally pulling my hair out because of head lice.?
Put mayo in ur head 2-3 times a week!
Silly but it deff works!
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