Sunday, July 26, 2009

Black male, with afro, thinking of getting hair relaxed?

Im a black male, i have normal black hair, i cornrow it every two weeks, everyone keeps telling me that i should get it relaxed because it would make my hair easier to take out and easier to manage. because at the moment! every time i need to take my hair out it needs to be combed out and greased and then braided and its very long and drawn out and quite tiring!

So is getting my hair relaxed a good step to take, my main worry is my hair looking like crap because of the relaxer, or my hair falling out because of the chemicals in it, would that happen?

can anybody help?

thank you in advance

Black male, with afro, thinking of getting hair relaxed?

Go for it, dude. Be your own man. Don't listen to the "eewwws" from the pre-teen crowd. You won't know unless you try, and your hair certainly isn't going to fall out. Do you think women would line up for it if it weren't safe?

Black male, with afro, thinking of getting hair relaxed?

Why would you get a relaxer? That is not hot. If you were a girl I would recommend you do that. But you're a boy. Deal with it or chop it off.

Black male, with afro, thinking of getting hair relaxed?

i kinda have to agree with =) ... i can't imagine how your hair would look after it's relaxed..are you going to style it, too? LOL..i think the fro or cornrows are hot, but if it's too much work and hassle just shave it down really short.

Black male, with afro, thinking of getting hair relaxed?

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO!!!!! Relaxed hair on a man is a serious no-no. It doesn't look cool from any angle. I'm sorry but the whole combing out, greasing etc. is part and parcel of having natural hair with any length. If you are too lazy to maintain it I suggest you get it cut off. Please don't be like those uber-sad black guys with shiny, stiff relaxed hair who try and style it like the guys from McFly. (Guys you know who you are!!!)

Secondly, while relaxed hair might be easier to comb it takes just at much maintenance ie. regrowth touch-ups (every 6 weeks) to keep it from breaking, constant conditioning and all the rest otherwise your lovely natural hair which you relaxed to oblivion will end up looking like black thatch!!!! STAY WELL AWAY FROM THE CREAMY CRACK.

Black male, with afro, thinking of getting hair relaxed?

I don't think that relaxing your hair will be the key to manageability. I have been natural for well over 6 yrs and my hair is very manageable. Relaxed hair does not look good on a brotha simply because you were not born with straight hair. Keep the kinks in that's what make cornrows so beautiful. Besides your hair just might fall out from the chemicals because it will truly be a shock for your head. Maybe you should change up your shampoos and conditioners, ya know something that will soften it up some. Creme of Nature is wonderful. Maybe even try to essential oils. I use 100% shea butter in me hair and it works great. See what a lotta black people don't know is how to really care for our hair so that it will be soft and pain free when combing. Also if you relax it you will still have to be combed out, "greased" and will still take the same amount of time. All I gotta say is keep it nappy brotha. Peace.

One Luv,


P.S. The world is your oyster do what makes you happy but think long and hard. :)

Black male, with afro, thinking of getting hair relaxed?

Why would you want to do that?! I like it when Black men have their hair braided in cornrows. It looks good like that. I don't know how other women feel, but relaxed hair on men just doesn't look right. In my opinion (remember I'm just stating my opinion and not a fact!) it looks too feminine. Plus you might find that your hair might start to break off from the relaxer. That's what happened to my hair. I had to stop relaxing my hair in order for it to grow again. Leave those chemicals alone!

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