Saturday, August 1, 2009

Stag beetles in my hair?

im schizophernic im taking abilify currently

Today i have huge stag beetles in my hair i keep trying to comb them out but i no they aint there for real im getting frightened now what should i do

Should i call the docter

Stag beetles in my hair?

God I hope all the dickheads who have taken the p out of your question never have a mental illness themselves!

Please go and see your G.P you might need your medication adjusted.Right now your lucid enough to realise that you don't actually have any stag Beatles running through your hair but I guess even the thought is scary%26gt;makes me laugh all these people that take the p**s,I bet all of them are scared of bugs of some sort.Can they not imagine who scary it must be when you know it's not a real sensation or event.My nan is Schizophrenic and I personally know it's a horrible illness but so much easier to control than it was in her day.Good luck mate and see your doc.

Stag beetles in my hair?

what the hell is a stag beetle!??

Stag beetles in my hair?

yes. the fact you are asking whether you should means you know you have to get it dealt with. please try to stay as calm as you can and know there are people who genuinly care for you who want to help. good luck honey!

Stag beetles in my hair?

Seek immediate medical help. Those stag beetles can be a nightmare to wash out :o)

Stag beetles in my hair?

You may also be suffering from tourettes because that little outburst to mwahh was OTT. If your THAT ill, get off your computer and get down the nearest psychiactric hospital. Either that or buy a bigger comb and stop abusing people who have taken the time to read your laughable "question".

Edit: you are unstable and abusive and no doubt another bad example of "care in the community" See your shrink asap and get that medication dosage reviewed. In the mean time I think someone should enlighten you to the fact that this site is not a support group for disturbed individuals. Try contacting SANE or the Samaritans.

Stag beetles in my hair?

Well, not sure what the doctor can do except up your medication. If you are getting increasingly anxious about it even though you know it's not real, then maybe get yourself to the emergency room before your hallucinations get worse. If it can wait and you can calm yourself, call to make an appointment with the doctor and ask him in the meantime if you should up your medication.

Stag beetles in my hair?

Have you been takin your medication regularly? How long have you been taking it? I would recommend that you call your doctor immediately and let him/her know of the hallucinations. This has to be very frightening for you. Please call your doctor and don't worry about what these ignorant people on here say. good luck

Stag beetles in my hair?

im really sorry to hear of your troubles.

I think you must see a doctor!

please ignore the stupid, ignorent comments.

i hope you feel better soon, good luck, take care......

Stag beetles in my hair?

Those are visual hallucinations and the fact they have persisted indicates you shouldn't be on YA . . . you should call your doctor immeditately!!!

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