Saturday, August 1, 2009

My hair is tangled so badly I mught have to cut it off Does anyone know of any product that can prev

Last night I washed my hair and now its constricted together.My hair has tangled together like cement. The comb will not get it or a relaxer. I cannot even get a narrow point comb into the knot. I know there must be some extra strength detangler or something.I've been to four different hair salons, and they all look at my hair in amazement and say something like "Oh my goodness! You may have to use some cholesterol oil, or cut it off!" I cannot do this. Cutting my hair is the equivalent to a possibility that i may have to shoot my mother!! I know there must be something out there to help get these tangled knots out. Someone help me please!!! This is a S-T-A-T-E OF- E-M-E-R-G-E-N-C-Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My hair is tangled so badly I mught have to cut it off Does anyone know of any product that can prevent this?

First of all I know what I am talking about. Rinse your hair, at least the cemented area with as cold of water that you can stand and for at least about 8minutes. This will get rid of some of the so called dangling conditioners off the hair. These actually do not release knots, they plump up the cuticle of the hair and constrict the knot worse. They will even get sticky or gummy. Where ever you can after this put a metal end of a rat tail comb in start to allow the ends to free from the mass. As you make headway you will need to hold the hair at a 45 degree angle from your head releasing the knot, NOT straight down. You will most likely also need to rinse again with really cold water to again help close the cuticle and rinse away more of the conditioner. Feel free to contact me. I have seen some challenging knots in my day and I have never turned to the scissors yet. Best of luck.

My hair is tangled so badly I mught have to cut it off Does anyone know of any product that can prevent this?

Use a good conditioner after you shampoo your hair to prevent tangles

My hair is tangled so badly I mught have to cut it off Does anyone know of any product that can prevent this?

Well put TONS of conditioner on it and little by little work your way through it... i have never heard of something that bad... I'm sorry!!!

I hope this website can help you out!!

My hair is tangled so badly I mught have to cut it off Does anyone know of any product that can prevent this?

Mine always has, too. I've heard creme rinse is needed. I just got in the habit of using a wide tooth brush (used for blow drying--which I call my 'rake'). Always, start by slowly brushing thru bottom of hair FIRST. Then, go from top to bottom. Less, tangling and pulling when wet. Also, when you start to brush thru the your fingers behind the hair you are a support...this helps detangle and support your hair from the other side......The main thing is take your time...and use a wide tooth comb or brush. I had long hair most of my life...I never cut it shorter til I was ready...and dealt with the tangle issue. I was told it is thin hair but I have lot's of it.....price ya pay...

My hair is tangled so badly I mught have to cut it off Does anyone know of any product that can prevent this?

try combing it while it's wet. i also heard that mixing water and a little conditioner makes a good detangler. i just don't know exactly how much of each you use.

My hair is tangled so badly I mught have to cut it off Does anyone know of any product that can prevent this?

O that is aw full. OK you need to try a hair conditioner on whet hair, let it sit for about 15 minutes, while in the shower take your fingers and start to pull your hair little by little apart, start by your head and go down to the bottom. Add more conditioner if needed.

The one I use in the shower is:

Herbal Essences

The one I use when my hair is dry:

Sunsilk Hydra TLC (24/7Cream)

It works for me,

Good Luck

My hair is tangled so badly I mught have to cut it off Does anyone know of any product that can prevent this?

Wash your hair and use a leave in condtioner, comb through with a large tooth pick or comb while it's wet and then use a reconstructer there about $3 this should get your hair back to normal. Follow the instructions on the reconstructer carefully.

My hair is tangled so badly I mught have to cut it off Does anyone know of any product that can prevent this?

Try Hydra-cure by purology... It is amazing! Make sure to aply and come it through while you are in the shower... also equalizing detangler by Aquage works wonders... good luck!

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