Saturday, August 1, 2009

I take L-thyroxin because of unactivated thyroid.Could it cause the falling of hair, what should i d

I cannot even comb my hair properly, not to talk about washing. So much hair are falling down so I think I am getting bold, Please help!

I take L-thyroxin because of unactivated thyroid.Could it cause the falling of hair, what should i do to stop?

Your medication may not be adjusted properly. Visit the link below and then speak with your physician.

I take L-thyroxin because of unactivated thyroid.Could it cause the falling of hair, what should i do to stop?

Talk to a doctor or pharmacist. They can tell you side effects and interactions.

I take L-thyroxin because of unactivated thyroid.Could it cause the falling of hair, what should i do to stop?

try they have really good medical/medication info

I take L-thyroxin because of unactivated thyroid.Could it cause the falling of hair, what should i do to stop?

One of the symptoms of low thyroid is the hair falling out. You may require an adjustment of your medication, possible a higher dose. Talk to your doctor about this.

I take L-thyroxin because of unactivated thyroid.Could it cause the falling of hair, what should i do to stop?

have u had ur thyroid levels checked lately? this is more of a sign of it being too high, but u should never stop taking this med. w/out the dr. telling u so!!!!!!! it can cause more problems to stop! so, go to the dr. and get checked out!!!!!!!!! sometimes ur levels need changing, so u should always follow up!

also, my dr. and pharmacist says that i should never take generic thyroid meds either. go to the dr!

I take L-thyroxin because of unactivated thyroid.Could it cause the falling of hair, what should i do to stop?

it sounds like to me you have you Dr ASAP and tell him what is going on, he may want you to stop taking it all together

I take L-thyroxin because of unactivated thyroid.Could it cause the falling of hair, what should i do to stop?

hypothyroid (low thyroid), can cause hair loss and lots of it

you are missing the thyroid hormone in your body and the thyroxin is a replacement of that hormone

without thyroid hormone you usually have hair loss and are lethargic (very tired)

give the replacement hormone time to take effect and mention it to your doctor on your next visit

I take L-thyroxin because of unactivated thyroid.Could it cause the falling of hair, what should i do to stop?

i have hypothyroidism and have for 10 years. i am prescribed the name brand synthroid(dr. said name brand is better in this instance) anyway i still lose hair and have chronic dry skin especially on my body. my nails are thin and brittle and i have to use every moisturizing product for skin and nails on the market.

i also color my hair which i'm sure doesn't help. i try not to wash my hair eveyday(usually every other) i don't blow dry unless it is a special occassion and i need to style it. talk to your dr and make sure you are on a high enough dose first. for the first few months it is trial and error in finding what does works best to keep your levels in check. make sure you ask your dr if you levels are in the normal range and not low normal. once i was put on too high of a does and i got this annoying eye twitch that wouldn't let up until dose was lowered. i take .125mcg daily. i have lost my meds before and been off for 1-2 weeks and that can take weeks for it to build back up in your body as the hormone is in every cell of your body, so don't forget or skip doses. My voice started cracking and getting rough that time i was off for two weeks. make sure you use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner and maybe an after wash treatment that will allow the comb to slide through your hair and not pull at tangles causing hair to come out. these are the things i do. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. My biggest problem is weight gain and not being able to lose it as eaily as i would like.

I find that even with treatment i still have to work to keep the symptoms in check. Incase you don't know hypothyroidsim can cause, dry skin/nails, temporary hair lose, weight gain, slow metabolism,

and in the worst untreated cases, madness and major organ failure and eventually death. if you are under treatment you should be fine though, it is a common thing.

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