Saturday, August 1, 2009

Is it true that if you put perm solution on curly hair and comb it straight,it will make it straight

although it is the same chemicals, don't do it! try the easy straight 3 month straightener by haime munoz, around $30.00 at drug stores and beauty supply shops. the perm solution will just drip and burn your hair and scalp, and combing it with the solution in will break the hair off completely (besides the solution is not slippery enough to allow a comb to be used). the 3 month straightener is creamy and made to be applied to a free lock of hair (not a rolled one). it is called 3 month straightener because you only need to treat new growth after 3 to 6 months. please note that this straightener is better for a thick hair diameter--not hair that looks thick because there is alot of it. follow the directions, and i mean follow them to a 't'--no second guessing---read all the directions, call the manufacturer if you have any doubts whatsoever--they want to hear from you!

they sent me a free full size hair product! they have a website which is very helpful.... i used the easy straight and my hair is healthy and shiny and straight, i still can't believe it's my hair!---before it was crazy curly, poofy, kinky, and frizzy (a big ugly mess), i hated it. .now i love my hair, it looks like the hair on the models in the pantene commercials--i also use a ceramic flat iron, but it takes me 35-40 minutes to do my almost waiste length hair when it used to take about 4 hours. it stays straight in humid, rainy weather, and dries quickly after a shampoo, too. i have tried other straighteners and this was the only one that worked for me. so if you were thinking of trying a regular perm solution to straighten your hair, DON"T!! use a product that is meant for straightening, not curling it

i hope this helps!

Is it true that if you put perm solution on curly hair and comb it straight,it will make it straight?

Oh, what a dud--pardon me. I ment to add "(relaxer)" after I said 'perm'... Report It

Is it true that if you put perm solution on curly hair and comb it straight,it will make it straight? it's down right now, probably 4 maintenance. try googling 'easy straight', try and http://www.hairstraightening.n... see 'tips' section at folica for the sedu flat iron 4 good ideas. Report It

Is it true that if you put perm solution on curly hair and comb it straight,it will make it straight?


Is it true that if you put perm solution on curly hair and comb it straight,it will make it straight?

Yes this works. I have very curly and this is what they did to my hair.

Is it true that if you put perm solution on curly hair and comb it straight,it will make it straight?

you are looking for a relaxer. people commonly call it a "perm" because it is semi-permanent like a curly perm is. when you go to the salon ( i would not recommend trying this your self especially if you are inexperienced) ask for a relaxer that will last or a "straight perm". The two solutions are different. Good luck!

Is it true that if you put perm solution on curly hair and comb it straight,it will make it straight?

Not a good idea. Straightening your hair has no room for error.

With a home perm, it just gets curly. There are certainly wrong ways to have curly hair, but no one checks to see that every curl is of uniform diameter and depth.

With straightening, all the hair has to be straight. Errors show up. If one section of hair gets kinked as it cures, it'll stick out permanently. Besides, there's all kinds of texture issues that surface with straight hair. It could be limp or stringy. Best get a good stylist to do it right.

Is it true that if you put perm solution on curly hair and comb it straight,it will make it straight?

I had it done three times but the curl came back after the first wash.

Is it true that if you put perm solution on curly hair and comb it straight,it will make it straight?

Well that IS what perms are for.

Is it true that if you put perm solution on curly hair and comb it straight,it will make it straight?

it will ruin ur hair!

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