Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Why do caucasian mothers with bi-racial children not know how to comb their children's hair?

That really bothers me, when I see a little girl with her hair all over her head. If you're going to have children with black american males, you should at least learn how to fix your childs hair. It just makes you want to get a comb and brush and hook that child up, so they can look civil.

Why do caucasian mothers with bi-racial children not know how to comb their children's hair?

The mothers may not know that they have to properly grease the child's hair and not wash it all the time. My best friend has a bi-racial daughter, and when I started taking care of her, I had to learn how to properly care for her hair.

Sometimes the parents buy the wrong products too. I know a girl at my son's school whose hair is very brittle and dry looking. Her mom greases it but I think it needs some sort of extra deep conditioner as well.

The hospital doesn't give out manuals for "Proper Hair Care of Your Bi-Racial Child". They should though!

Why do caucasian mothers with bi-racial children not know how to comb their children's hair?

I agree. It seems such mothers didn't think about THAT problem before they made their choice to have such children; they had other things on their mind during the process.....and from what I've seen in recent examples: their actions were more selfish--not thinking on how their bi-racial child has to feel being in this world and what they'll have to face along the way.

Why do caucasian mothers with bi-racial children not know how to comb their children's hair?

lol. thats funny. but now that you think of it, thats so true. I cant stand when peoples hair is messed. they need to fix it. though not all mothers do their daughters hair for her.

Why do caucasian mothers with bi-racial children not know how to comb their children's hair?

thats easy. The texture is different. white women are use to just easy and very free hair.per say. when they have a bi-racial child some children are born with "white people hair" and some are born with "black people hair" and some are juss born with NAPPY HAIR! The woman doenst have to read books or do research on how to fix her childs hair. Just figure out the texture,if its nappy,perm or flat iron it. or take her to the beauty shop.and let her pick her style as long as its age apporpriate. SO IN CONCLUSION. they dont know how to do their childs hair because they arent use to the diffent texture of hair!

Why do caucasian mothers with bi-racial children not know how to comb their children's hair?

First of all!!! NOT ALL BI-RACIAL CHILDREN walk around looking crazy!!! My daughter's hair stays done! My son's hair stays faded and tight!!

And for Mr. Wizard.... THAT problem. Neither of my children are a problem, and in case you haven't noticed...... Mixed race people are now the MAJORITY!!!! I have 2 bi-racial children that are loved by both sides of the families, and people that are not even in our families. Come out of the dark ages!

And there are SOME mothers that let their children walk around crazy as all get out. But not all of us. Please understand that!!!

And there are some black mothers out there that don't do their children's hair either.

Why do caucasian mothers with bi-racial children not know how to comb their children's hair?

I know several white women with bi-racial children that do their hair *properly*. It looks absolutely lovely and those women can braid corn rows just as well as their black counterparts. Some women don't learn, but these did. They love their husbands and want their kids to be of both cultures. It probably helps to have welcoming sisters in law to teach them.

Why do caucasian mothers with bi-racial children not know how to comb their children's hair?

I think we should worry more about the way children are taught to act than how their hair is fixed. Kids nowadays are getting ruder, cruder, and some parents need to get off the phones...stay at home more...and teach their kids manners. lol

Why do caucasian mothers with bi-racial children not know how to comb their children's hair?

Perhaps you should word your question as why do "some" caucasian mother not do their bi-racial kids hair....cause my daughter doesnt leave the house without her hair being done...and she is 2!!!

I searched for a year for a product to use on my daughters hair as we have no products for my daughters hair in Australia (she is African-American/Native American/Australian) but even when I didnt have the correct products I would do my best and always have her hair in braids, ponytails or someother way.

Curly Q products all they way!!!

Why do caucasian mothers with bi-racial children not know how to comb their children's hair?

a lot of my friends have bi-racial kids and their kids don't walk around with crazy looking hair. They fix their hair all the time and they perm it.maybe other people are just too lazy to fix their kids hair?

Why do caucasian mothers with bi-racial children not know how to comb their children's hair?

first of all whites need to stay with whites and blacks with blacks. blacks have weird hair and probably is hard to fix.

Why do caucasian mothers with bi-racial children not know how to comb their children's hair?

Personally I see children of all different races looking like little rag muffins I do not think it is a race thing I think it is a lazy thing. I always try to make sure my daughter looks put together before we leave the house, because it is a reflection on me. There are times when she wakes up from a nap and I have to race somewhere and I do not have a choice but for the most part I like to make sure she looks cute.

Why do caucasian mothers with bi-racial children not know how to comb their children's hair?

Bi racial-????????? last I checked we were all part of the HUMAN race-and my kids heads look just fine-why dont you start donating your time to saving the hair of mixed kids everywhere-lmao.

Why do caucasian mothers with bi-racial children not know how to comb their children's hair?

I agree. My son is mixed, and we keep his hair very short. Once, he wanted to let it grow out, and when he did, it looked really unkept. I tried to teach him that if he wants his hair long, he has to take care of it, (he's 5 yrs old) but it just wasn't working out, so we chopped it off again. We like it better that way.

Why do caucasian mothers with bi-racial children not know how to comb their children's hair?

That's not a problem that is just restricted to white women with bi-racial children. A lot of parents, no matter what race or cultural background, don't fix their children's hair or worry about the condition and cleanliness of their clothes.

Why do caucasian mothers with bi-racial children not know how to comb their children's hair?

Honey please, I have mixed kids and there hair is always done and as far as your question its ignorant because i have lived in mostly minority neighborhoods down south and there are as many black mothers who let there kids run around with there head a mess. Some people take pride in there appearance and there kids and others could care less. It's sad you put it up on here using race. Goes to show we have a long way to go.

Why do caucasian mothers with bi-racial children not know how to comb their children's hair?

I see plenty of full black children and adults with their hair all over the place. Some textures of hair, no matter what chemicals or lotions/potions used are flyaway. So its not just biracial.

Why do caucasian mothers with bi-racial children not know how to comb their children's hair?

I dont think this is a question that should be geared to all caucasian mothers of bi-racial children. But I do see this often. In fact, my sister is one of those mothers. She never fixes her daughter's hair, it is constantly in a disarrayed afro. When she does finally fix the baby's hair, she'll keep it that way for days, even when it gets loose and starts looking messy. Its not really a black thing, a white thing, its a lazy mother who doesn't care how her kids look thing.

Why do caucasian mothers with bi-racial children not know how to comb their children's hair?

Well, my daughters are "bi-racial" and we always walk out the house looking nice. There are mothers of every race that don't do their children's hair, and it drives me nuts. So don't limit your remarks to Caucasian mothers!

Why do caucasian mothers with bi-racial children not know how to comb their children's hair?

I agree. If your gonna be with a black male, then be prepared for all situations that arise from having a bi-racial child, hair etc. Theres nodthing worse than seeing a child with his/her hair all over her head with a caucasian mother -- it lookss ridiculous.

Why do caucasian mothers with bi-racial children not know how to comb their children's hair?

that is so true also ladies if you are going to adopt or foster a child of a different race than your own learn how to do hair i have seen many white women with little black kids out with them and there hair is so nappy take them to a black salon if you don't know how to do it get them some braids or something

Why do caucasian mothers with bi-racial children not know how to comb their children's hair?

Are you kidding or are you just racist!!!? Just because ethnic hair doesn't "look civil" or acceptable to you does not make it wrong. Furthermore, my father in law is a physician and he always recommends to his african american or bi-racial patient's parents to refrain from combing or pulling too much on their hair. Children's skin is very snesitive, and certain ethnic hair (black/ bi-racial) can be very delicate at a young age... People who braid or "do" their kids' hair too much when they're before the age of 4-5 constantly complain of bumps, rashes, hair loss, balding or thinning... SO... before you go criticizing other people's parenting: do some research or have the guts to ask them to their faces!!!

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