Saturday, August 1, 2009

Why would someone say dreads or afros are out of style, when that's a person's natural hai

all hair isn't straight. in fact wouldn't you get tired of the same boring straight hair look. geez.

afros/dreads are for all people of all races, not just blacks. :O)

in fact afros/dreads is how most of our hair looks naturally, without combs.

so it should be a.) accepted b.) not labelled political c.) not stared at as foreign, and d.) classic (there is no time for them to be worn, how can natural hair be a trend? when straight hair isn't a trend?)

if America is so diverse, why can't people wear their tribal clothes/wear their tribal accessories/hair the way they want to without stupid scrutiny.

Why would someone say dreads or afros are out of style, when that's a person's natural hair?

Natural hair is the best . I think the key thing is self acceptance . Afros are beautiful !

Why would someone say dreads or afros are out of style, when that's a person's natural hair?

Yeah, I totally agree with you.

Why would someone say dreads or afros are out of style, when that's a person's natural hair?

it's just fashion, you don't have to take remarks if you don't want.

I liked afros when they were in, in the 70s. I can't stand this shaved look, they look like thugs

Why would someone say dreads or afros are out of style, when that's a person's natural hair?

afros are natural.

but dreads aren't. if you dont have combs, your hair is tangly. you acctually have to work realy hard to get them. not just by not brushing

I want to know if anyone else is wondering why TOMKAT wont comb his and her hair????

Has anyone else looked at the TOMKAT wedding pics and noticed his and her hair along with an UGLY *** dress Isabella is wearing. ALL THAT MONEY AD CANT AFFORD A BRUSH AND CLIPPERS and a dietitcian and cloths for your KID!!!??????

I want to know if anyone else is wondering why TOMKAT wont comb his and her hair????

They're scientologists.. they believe we are inhabited by alien souls that came from a spaceship exploding in a volcano!

Don't waste your time pondering the actions of the mentally unstable.

I want to know if anyone else is wondering why TOMKAT wont comb his and her hair????

because they are lazy!!

I want to know if anyone else is wondering why TOMKAT wont comb his and her hair????

because they are to rich to care

I want to know if anyone else is wondering why TOMKAT wont comb his and her hair????

THe Science GOds told them not to!

I want to know if anyone else is wondering why TOMKAT wont comb his and her hair????

Celebs are weird, don't even consider this.

I want to know if anyone else is wondering why TOMKAT wont comb his and her hair????

maybe they wanted that look!?!

Okay i got the hottpoic hair dye .. the Temprary Comb in That is Blue And i was woundering do i wash

Am i suppost to wash it out and Dry my hair or just leave it in and for how long help me there no instrutions!

Okay i got the hottpoic hair dye .. the Temprary Comb in That is Blue And i was woundering do i wash my hair?

if it is a TRUE temporary color it will wash out if you wash your hair. so you would put the comb in your hair and just let it dry. i think hot topic color is a bad idea anyhow but if you must use it dont wash it.

My hair is tangled so badly I mught have to cut it off Does anyone know of any product that can prev

Last night I washed my hair and now its constricted together.My hair has tangled together like cement. The comb will not get it or a relaxer. I cannot even get a narrow point comb into the knot. I know there must be some extra strength detangler or something.I've been to four different hair salons, and they all look at my hair in amazement and say something like "Oh my goodness! You may have to use some cholesterol oil, or cut it off!" I cannot do this. Cutting my hair is the equivalent to a possibility that i may have to shoot my mother!! I know there must be something out there to help get these tangled knots out. Someone help me please!!! This is a S-T-A-T-E OF- E-M-E-R-G-E-N-C-Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My hair is tangled so badly I mught have to cut it off Does anyone know of any product that can prevent this?

First of all I know what I am talking about. Rinse your hair, at least the cemented area with as cold of water that you can stand and for at least about 8minutes. This will get rid of some of the so called dangling conditioners off the hair. These actually do not release knots, they plump up the cuticle of the hair and constrict the knot worse. They will even get sticky or gummy. Where ever you can after this put a metal end of a rat tail comb in start to allow the ends to free from the mass. As you make headway you will need to hold the hair at a 45 degree angle from your head releasing the knot, NOT straight down. You will most likely also need to rinse again with really cold water to again help close the cuticle and rinse away more of the conditioner. Feel free to contact me. I have seen some challenging knots in my day and I have never turned to the scissors yet. Best of luck.

My hair is tangled so badly I mught have to cut it off Does anyone know of any product that can prevent this?

Use a good conditioner after you shampoo your hair to prevent tangles

My hair is tangled so badly I mught have to cut it off Does anyone know of any product that can prevent this?

Well put TONS of conditioner on it and little by little work your way through it... i have never heard of something that bad... I'm sorry!!!

I hope this website can help you out!!

My hair is tangled so badly I mught have to cut it off Does anyone know of any product that can prevent this?

Mine always has, too. I've heard creme rinse is needed. I just got in the habit of using a wide tooth brush (used for blow drying--which I call my 'rake'). Always, start by slowly brushing thru bottom of hair FIRST. Then, go from top to bottom. Less, tangling and pulling when wet. Also, when you start to brush thru the your fingers behind the hair you are a support...this helps detangle and support your hair from the other side......The main thing is take your time...and use a wide tooth comb or brush. I had long hair most of my life...I never cut it shorter til I was ready...and dealt with the tangle issue. I was told it is thin hair but I have lot's of it.....price ya pay...

My hair is tangled so badly I mught have to cut it off Does anyone know of any product that can prevent this?

try combing it while it's wet. i also heard that mixing water and a little conditioner makes a good detangler. i just don't know exactly how much of each you use.

My hair is tangled so badly I mught have to cut it off Does anyone know of any product that can prevent this?

O that is aw full. OK you need to try a hair conditioner on whet hair, let it sit for about 15 minutes, while in the shower take your fingers and start to pull your hair little by little apart, start by your head and go down to the bottom. Add more conditioner if needed.

The one I use in the shower is:

Herbal Essences

The one I use when my hair is dry:

Sunsilk Hydra TLC (24/7Cream)

It works for me,

Good Luck

My hair is tangled so badly I mught have to cut it off Does anyone know of any product that can prevent this?

Wash your hair and use a leave in condtioner, comb through with a large tooth pick or comb while it's wet and then use a reconstructer there about $3 this should get your hair back to normal. Follow the instructions on the reconstructer carefully.

My hair is tangled so badly I mught have to cut it off Does anyone know of any product that can prevent this?

Try Hydra-cure by purology... It is amazing! Make sure to aply and come it through while you are in the shower... also equalizing detangler by Aquage works wonders... good luck!

How difficult it is to maintain permanently curled hair? Will daily combing reduce its curl?

it needs a lot of maintenance. i had done it once n i really regretted abt it. If you use a wide tooth comb then even daily combing wont reduce its curl.

How difficult it is to maintain permanently curled hair? Will daily combing reduce its curl?

If you comb it you will need to get mouse and scrunch it and yes daily combing will reduce the curl so if you scrunch it, it will stay the same for about a week or two.

How difficult it is to maintain permanently curled hair? Will daily combing reduce its curl?

Combing will reduce the curl. If you really need to comb your hair try using hair brush. And when washing your hair don't use too much strength (pulling) but hold up your hair and raise with water, so that the weight of the water on your wet hair will not pull your hair down till it loose of the "spring" look.

While dry your hair do not rub it but use a dry towel to "squeeze" out the excess water.

It may help you maintain the curl for approx 9 mths till your next perming needed.

How difficult it is to maintain permanently curled hair? Will daily combing reduce its curl?

Congratulations on you new curls! Now, this is what you have to do to keep your curls looking great! After you shampoo your hair, use a conditioner. Then wrap a towel around your head to dry some water off (10 minutes), then apply a quarter size of conditioner all over your hear, do not rinse leave it on, and just use your finger to comb. Once your hair is dry, leave alone. It will looks beautiful, and shiny, not dry. Next day, just spray with water, and away you go..let it air dry..always!!

How do I get my short straight hair to stop puffing out?

I am a man with a short hair cut. It's cut with a number 2 on the side and is scissor cut on the top. On the side of my hair, I want it to stay combed down, but it keeps wanting to stick out. I use gel product that I buy at the salon. It's a brand like Matrix. I've also considered using pomade. What should I do to train my hair?

How do I get my short straight hair to stop puffing out?

Use conditioner after shampoo and then use a scarf or headband to sleep in. That'll do the trick!

How do I get my short straight hair to stop puffing out?

get john frieda hair works miracles lol

How do I get my short straight hair to stop puffing out?

if you want it to lay down on the sides you have to let it grow out or cut it shorter. if its the hair on top, get your hair thinned out with a razor

How do I get my short straight hair to stop puffing out?

Just get some mousse, and just use a comb to straighten it up,,,,,,,,that ought to do the trick!! Good Luck!! SMile!!

I take L-thyroxin because of unactivated thyroid.Could it cause the falling of hair, what should i d

I cannot even comb my hair properly, not to talk about washing. So much hair are falling down so I think I am getting bold, Please help!

I take L-thyroxin because of unactivated thyroid.Could it cause the falling of hair, what should i do to stop?

Your medication may not be adjusted properly. Visit the link below and then speak with your physician.

I take L-thyroxin because of unactivated thyroid.Could it cause the falling of hair, what should i do to stop?

Talk to a doctor or pharmacist. They can tell you side effects and interactions.

I take L-thyroxin because of unactivated thyroid.Could it cause the falling of hair, what should i do to stop?

try they have really good medical/medication info

I take L-thyroxin because of unactivated thyroid.Could it cause the falling of hair, what should i do to stop?

One of the symptoms of low thyroid is the hair falling out. You may require an adjustment of your medication, possible a higher dose. Talk to your doctor about this.

I take L-thyroxin because of unactivated thyroid.Could it cause the falling of hair, what should i do to stop?

have u had ur thyroid levels checked lately? this is more of a sign of it being too high, but u should never stop taking this med. w/out the dr. telling u so!!!!!!! it can cause more problems to stop! so, go to the dr. and get checked out!!!!!!!!! sometimes ur levels need changing, so u should always follow up!

also, my dr. and pharmacist says that i should never take generic thyroid meds either. go to the dr!

I take L-thyroxin because of unactivated thyroid.Could it cause the falling of hair, what should i do to stop?

it sounds like to me you have you Dr ASAP and tell him what is going on, he may want you to stop taking it all together

I take L-thyroxin because of unactivated thyroid.Could it cause the falling of hair, what should i do to stop?

hypothyroid (low thyroid), can cause hair loss and lots of it

you are missing the thyroid hormone in your body and the thyroxin is a replacement of that hormone

without thyroid hormone you usually have hair loss and are lethargic (very tired)

give the replacement hormone time to take effect and mention it to your doctor on your next visit

I take L-thyroxin because of unactivated thyroid.Could it cause the falling of hair, what should i do to stop?

i have hypothyroidism and have for 10 years. i am prescribed the name brand synthroid(dr. said name brand is better in this instance) anyway i still lose hair and have chronic dry skin especially on my body. my nails are thin and brittle and i have to use every moisturizing product for skin and nails on the market.

i also color my hair which i'm sure doesn't help. i try not to wash my hair eveyday(usually every other) i don't blow dry unless it is a special occassion and i need to style it. talk to your dr and make sure you are on a high enough dose first. for the first few months it is trial and error in finding what does works best to keep your levels in check. make sure you ask your dr if you levels are in the normal range and not low normal. once i was put on too high of a does and i got this annoying eye twitch that wouldn't let up until dose was lowered. i take .125mcg daily. i have lost my meds before and been off for 1-2 weeks and that can take weeks for it to build back up in your body as the hormone is in every cell of your body, so don't forget or skip doses. My voice started cracking and getting rough that time i was off for two weeks. make sure you use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner and maybe an after wash treatment that will allow the comb to slide through your hair and not pull at tangles causing hair to come out. these are the things i do. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. My biggest problem is weight gain and not being able to lose it as eaily as i would like.

I find that even with treatment i still have to work to keep the symptoms in check. Incase you don't know hypothyroidsim can cause, dry skin/nails, temporary hair lose, weight gain, slow metabolism,

and in the worst untreated cases, madness and major organ failure and eventually death. if you are under treatment you should be fine though, it is a common thing.

Those clips things hair stylist use when cutting hair?

As a guy, I've noticed that if I get my hair trimmed (mine is longish) in a regular guys barbershop or even a salon that caters more to equal numbers of guys/girls, then they just use a comb and scissors to cut my hair. But if I go to a salon that is unisex but maybe caters more to women (fewer guys) or is more trendy, then they use these big plastic clip type things or silver metal clips to keep hair out of the way while they cut it.

Why the difference? Does using the clip things mean I am getting a better cut or not, or does it mean the stylists isn't as good. I guess they just keep hair out of the way while they cut it, but shouldn't they be used all the time as common practice if they are needed, or not bothered with if they aren't.

Those clips things hair stylist use when cutting hair?

It depends on how the barber/beautician is taught and the method that works best for them. My sister used to be a hairdresser, and she's the only person I would ever trust to touch my hair, and she was taught to use the metal clips (they have a technical name but it escapes me now what it is) and that's what worked best for her. Most hairdressers I have seen in the unisex salons and beauty schools use the clips. At the same time, those same people can't give a decent haircut to save their lives, so the clips don't have anything to do with the quality of the cut. It's all about the skill of the hairdresser and their willingness to listen to what you want and go from there. A large number of hairdressers out there actually don't care about the job itself, which is one of the reasons why people recieve bad cuts (or whatever else they went in for) and service. They're only in it because it's "easy money" and anyone can go to school to learn it.

Those clips things hair stylist use when cutting hair?

They're called " h a i r c l i p s ". Doesn't mean it's a better or worse cut. It's the skill of the beautician or barber that matters.

Those clips things hair stylist use when cutting hair?

Some people find it easier to cut small sections at a time opposed to all at once. I think it just depends on their training.

Those clips things hair stylist use when cutting hair?

depends on were they were taught oldschool dont use those but now we no it works better if you use them

Those clips things hair stylist use when cutting hair?

It's just a stylist choice thing. It doesn't mean you're getting a better cut.

Those clips things hair stylist use when cutting hair?

When I was still in England they used to use clips like that all the time. Over here in the US, they seem to use them less. Also, one girl asked me if I minded or not if she used them. I said no problem and she seemed relieved lol. I got the impression some guys don't like them being used, like it threatens their macho-ness.


Those clips things hair stylist use when cutting hair?

Do you mean sectioning clips? Are guys really that bothered by things like that? LOL, glad I am a girl!!!


Those clips things hair stylist use when cutting hair?

there really is a big difference between a barber over a stylist. barbers specialize in hair. period. stylist are hair skin and nails. they are typically more organized. they do jus give you more control over the hair. in barber school they are not trained to use them . that's all.

The front of my hair is all oily, but the rest of it is not. Everything is fine in my hair except my

I swim, but my hair is really weird, dont ask, I use clarifying shampoos-not moisturinzing ones, and not conditioners because it makes it look reallly bad-trust me on this one. It looks like my bangs, and somtimes that area between my bangs to my ears, are extremly conditioned and have been combed to much, and is all shiney and it gets out of shape and curls a little and just plain looks ugly. Also, after I take a shower i wait a while until my hair is almost dry, then comb all of it, but i have not been combing my front that much recently and it still is bad. What can I do/ suggesgions on helping me here? And don't say anything about wearing a cap.

The front of my hair is all oily, but the rest of it is not. Everything is fine in my hair except my bangs???

The only thing I can sugest is to not use conditioner or moistures at all. And if you "do", don't put "any" on the top of your hair, because obviously your head is already moist enough. I used to have the same problem, so I only condition the ends of my hair. Okay?

The front of my hair is all oily, but the rest of it is not. Everything is fine in my hair except my bangs???

well u can try blowdrying your bangs after showering it will help style them how you like.

The front of my hair is all oily, but the rest of it is not. Everything is fine in my hair except my bangs???

Straighten them do stuff with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe outgrow them

The front of my hair is all oily, but the rest of it is not. Everything is fine in my hair except my bangs???

cut ur bangs off

The front of my hair is all oily, but the rest of it is not. Everything is fine in my hair except my bangs???

hmm...tough one.Try using a shampoo for oily hair and dont wash it too muchcause it strips your hair of its natural oils.

The front of my hair is all oily, but the rest of it is not. Everything is fine in my hair except my bangs???

If they really are more oily than the rest of your hair, simply rub some talcum powder into your bangs. Not too much, but just enough to counteract the oiliness.

The front of my hair is all oily, but the rest of it is not. Everything is fine in my hair except my bangs???

i think it is from the like oil from ur face

The front of my hair is all oily, but the rest of it is not. Everything is fine in my hair except my bangs???

Sounds to me like the bangs are getting oily from an excess of oil on your forehead. Try an astringent for oily skin and apply it to your forehead and be sure your bangs are fully dried before combing them down.

The front of my hair is all oily, but the rest of it is not. Everything is fine in my hair except my bangs???

Treatment for oily hair: Your hair becomes excessively oily due to the trapping of oil in the pores present in the scalp. Therefore stripping off this excessive oil becomes necessary. So you may attempt some of these products:

a) A mixture of amla , shikakai, and triphala which is known as a natural shampoo.

b) Soap nuts i.e. reetha is also a fine material for conditioning hair. You can soak them in water overnight and mash them in the morning. Let the water drain away and add a teaspoon of shikakai with the gel.

c) Massage your hair with a toning lotion once in two weeks. A teaspoon of malt vinegar mixed with salt in a glass of water is a good toning lotion. After applying it on your scalp leave it for about an hour.

Should I Get My Hair Cut?

my hair is really hard to comb because of how curly it is so i was thinking of getting it cut into short layers. Should I ?

Should I Get My Hair Cut?

My hair was- and to an extent is- a lot like yours. Cutting it short was the best thing I ever did to it.

Should I Get My Hair Cut?

no long hair is awesome

Should I Get My Hair Cut?

i dont think layers would look good with curly aunt has curly hair and she go layers and it looked really bad...unless she str8ened my suggestion would be if u do want to get a hair cut do it one length not layers!

And to make hair more managable maybe u should try deep conditioning....moisture is the key ingrediant for curly hair...

Should I Get My Hair Cut?

yes chop it all off chop it all off chop it all off chop it all off chop it all off

Should I Get My Hair Cut?

It might make your curls even curlier if you get it cut. I would ask a stylist that has YEARS of experience before doing it. And IF you do do it then I'd have a very experienced stylist cut it for you. It might be a tricky hair style to do so make sure whoever does it is REALLY good at what he/she does.

Should I Get My Hair Cut?

it depends if u really want 2 or not!!!!!!

Should I Get My Hair Cut?

you should cut it like a bob than it would be easy to brush and like well it would look cute

Should I Get My Hair Cut?

how could a person make a decision based on the facts you have havent said how long it is, how thick it is, if you have bangs, etc....

Should I Get My Hair Cut?

no dont cut it some guys like really natually long hair women

Should I Get My Hair Cut?

sure...cut it...but not too short w/ you curly hair..or it may look like an afro

Should I Get My Hair Cut?

u should get it shaved.....or go to a hair salon and get a treatment.

Should I Get My Hair Cut?

I have short hair and I love it. the only thing is that when you dont feel like combing it you cant just throw it in a pony tail.

Should I Get My Hair Cut?

yes u should cut your hair cause u look ugly u will get pretty if u cut ur hair short . i mean really really short like the stlye of men haircut okay thanks

Should I Get My Hair Cut?

just put mousse on your hair and comb with fingers, you do not have to cut it

Should I Get My Hair Cut?

Short layers do help with tangles...I think with curls like yours though you would have to go super short or it will puff out big time.

Should I Get My Hair Cut?

no don't.plz......i have the same problem before so just go and ask a hair styler and maybe u can get some pics from

Should I Get My Hair Cut?

no u shouldnt i cut mi hair in2 short layerz nd i was dyin 2 mak mi hair grow longer

I have a Cat with short hair that is shedding. What is the best brush or comb that will remove hair

Get a good "flea" comb that has a handle mine is silver, even though my cat does not have fleas it is by far the best way to comb your cat, brushes can be harsh, and the rubber gloves do not work. I have tried everything on the market pretty much over the years and find a good flea comb works best.

I have a Cat with short hair that is shedding. What is the best brush or comb that will remove hair off cat?


I have a Cat with short hair that is shedding. What is the best brush or comb that will remove hair off cat?

You should try a brush with metal teeth, they seem to grab the hair better.

I have a Cat with short hair that is shedding. What is the best brush or comb that will remove hair off cat?

get something called a ZOOM GROOM. it's a rubber brush that does a real good job of pulling the dead hair out

I have a Cat with short hair that is shedding. What is the best brush or comb that will remove hair off cat?

Get the pet vac you can order it off animal planet

Stag beetles in my hair?

im schizophernic im taking abilify currently

Today i have huge stag beetles in my hair i keep trying to comb them out but i no they aint there for real im getting frightened now what should i do

Should i call the docter

Stag beetles in my hair?

God I hope all the dickheads who have taken the p out of your question never have a mental illness themselves!

Please go and see your G.P you might need your medication adjusted.Right now your lucid enough to realise that you don't actually have any stag Beatles running through your hair but I guess even the thought is scary%26gt;makes me laugh all these people that take the p**s,I bet all of them are scared of bugs of some sort.Can they not imagine who scary it must be when you know it's not a real sensation or event.My nan is Schizophrenic and I personally know it's a horrible illness but so much easier to control than it was in her day.Good luck mate and see your doc.

Stag beetles in my hair?

what the hell is a stag beetle!??

Stag beetles in my hair?

yes. the fact you are asking whether you should means you know you have to get it dealt with. please try to stay as calm as you can and know there are people who genuinly care for you who want to help. good luck honey!

Stag beetles in my hair?

Seek immediate medical help. Those stag beetles can be a nightmare to wash out :o)

Stag beetles in my hair?

You may also be suffering from tourettes because that little outburst to mwahh was OTT. If your THAT ill, get off your computer and get down the nearest psychiactric hospital. Either that or buy a bigger comb and stop abusing people who have taken the time to read your laughable "question".

Edit: you are unstable and abusive and no doubt another bad example of "care in the community" See your shrink asap and get that medication dosage reviewed. In the mean time I think someone should enlighten you to the fact that this site is not a support group for disturbed individuals. Try contacting SANE or the Samaritans.

Stag beetles in my hair?

Well, not sure what the doctor can do except up your medication. If you are getting increasingly anxious about it even though you know it's not real, then maybe get yourself to the emergency room before your hallucinations get worse. If it can wait and you can calm yourself, call to make an appointment with the doctor and ask him in the meantime if you should up your medication.

Stag beetles in my hair?

Have you been takin your medication regularly? How long have you been taking it? I would recommend that you call your doctor immediately and let him/her know of the hallucinations. This has to be very frightening for you. Please call your doctor and don't worry about what these ignorant people on here say. good luck

Stag beetles in my hair?

im really sorry to hear of your troubles.

I think you must see a doctor!

please ignore the stupid, ignorent comments.

i hope you feel better soon, good luck, take care......

Stag beetles in my hair?

Those are visual hallucinations and the fact they have persisted indicates you shouldn't be on YA . . . you should call your doctor immeditately!!!

What do cute Girls Look for in guys such as hair style, Clothing Etc...?

Hello, i'm just looking for some girls opinion on my look....

I realy just want to know how would most girls like me to look and act?

Well i have a medium hair length to my eyebrows i comb it down just straight...a dark dirty blonde i guess you could describe it as that lol..My school has uniform so umm, i wear that but its has a collar and kahki shorts...Should i wear the shorts longer like a little belw my nees? A belt? For socks i have no show umm Nike Shocks and Airs

Ok now for the personality and stuff

In most of the "What do Girls look fro in Guys?" i seen most girls look for honesty and a sense of humor.. Well i am very honest i don't know if you would consider me funny but i can laugh and make my friends laugh so.. i have them..

I am very very shy and blush around a few girls that are cute but i still can talk to them (is it good to be shy and let them know i like them by blushing or should i tell them by speaking)

anythign you can tell me in that area please

What do cute Girls Look for in guys such as hair style, Clothing Etc...?

Search "John Gotti" %26amp; "Carmine Gotti" on google.

What do cute Girls Look for in guys such as hair style, Clothing Etc...?

girls like all kinds of guys. you should be yourself and that way when you find the right girl, you'll know.

if that isn't what you want to hear though, guys with beards are sexy.

What do cute Girls Look for in guys such as hair style, Clothing Etc...?

i like blue eyes

and brown or blonde hair

american eage/hollister dressed


always care

(or act like it)

never make me fell uncomftorable around you

What do cute Girls Look for in guys such as hair style, Clothing Etc...?

ok for ur look, try to just wear pants, or unless u hv to wear shorts wear ankle socks, and no belt, thats kinda geekish since its already a uniform.

and for the hair, skater hair is really hot, ur length a brown, and wear its like swished so its not straight down.

personality, dont b a tatle tale, or sumthing that would pist a girl off, thats not good. and dont smell like crap either, thats a HUGE turn off!

and also for personality girls do like honest guys, if ur not honest they wont trust u, trust is major, and if ur to serious they will not lik u, funny is good! be tuff, hv a good body.

What do cute Girls Look for in guys such as hair style, Clothing Etc...?

Ok dude,

Your hair combed down is fine.

But a cool hairstyle for you would be like Pete from Fall Out Boy.. ( Go look ) Or you could just let it keep growin.

Girls dont care about what kind of socks you wear as long as theyre not rainbow haha. No belt unless its a little stylish. DONT tuck in shirt unless its required. And the shorts should be a lil under or right at the knee. ALL Girls love blue eyes! ( cept emos lol )

Its awesome that your honest!

Thats perfect. Also a sense of humor is great. Try to pick a girl you have alot n common with. Alot of girls think shy, sensitive guys are the cutest so theyre's a score. And you should tell them you like them by speaking or at least a note. In person is better but they'de have no clue if you just blushed. Also be yourself and be nice. Dont be a jerk or try to act pimp unless you want a whore. Jk dude you sound like a great guy

I Hope I helped.

鈾hat good products do u use b4 and after straighting hair?

Like herbal Essance or Sunsilk...whatever?

After you wash your u have to put any products in your hair while it's wet and comb it thro?

Then you blow dry....then flat iron your hair and then after that....what else do you use?

Do you flat iron your hair in the early morning before school or do it at night and put a nightcap over your hair to keep it from messing it up?

Please answer all these question! I really need gelp because I so didnt know flat ironing hair could be so hard and so many steps to it!

鈾hat good products do u use b4 and after straighting hair?

Hi, I am african american but I think my hair is very versatile and I have a couple of methods you can use. First after washing my hair I either blow dry it, pull it back in a ponytail to let it dry or wrap my hair around my hair in circle and let it dry. Now if I blow dry it, I flat iron it right after because blow drying makes my hair poofy, so I use some biosilk, they have this at sally's, it's just a like oil, that slicks and protects your hair from the heat. You should have a small flat iron so you can get as close to your roots as possible. When flat ironing bring you the iron down your hair in a curved motion, never straight out. do small sections and it should come out good. You could use a little bit pomade if you wanted to use Garnier Fruitis or you could use a little of the biosilk.

For the ponytail method, I just flat iron the ends, using that same curved technique. My other hair at the top is already straight so I just have to touch it up lightly with the flat iron and some biosilk.

OK for the last wrap method, this one is the easiest because my hair is already straight when i comb it down so, I just touch it up lightly with the flat iron and the biosilk and it's good to go. Hope this helps, I have been doing my own hair since I was 12, so I know what works.

鈾hat good products do u use b4 and after straighting hair?

Well i'm a hairdresser and i wash my hair and use a leave in conditioner and than i apply some heat defense spray to my hair and comb it through and than blow dry i than straighten my hair and go to bed and in the morning i just run the strightners through and and add a tiny little hair wax to keep it from going all frizzy

鈾hat good products do u use b4 and after straighting hair?

First wash your hair with a GOOD shampoo. Matrix is good.

Second use a good conditioner especially for strait hair.

Now use your flat iron.

The only reason I know this is cause my girl does it everyday and I have to wait while she does it. Using good products is the key, she says!

Also get a good straightener and do it in the morning.

鈾hat good products do u use b4 and after straighting hair?

First, I don't wash my hair every day. The natural oils are good for it. (I wash it every other day, or every two days). Secondly, I am a huge bed head fan. I can think of the names (their silly names) but I use one for hair thickening (round purple bottle with green/yellow dispenser) and one for shine (Tall pink bottle with round top). The thickening goes in while wet, then dry, then I straighten, then add the shine.

鈾hat good products do u use b4 and after straighting hair?

Wow thats way to much I just wash my hair in thermasilk and wait till it dries if you have time blow dryers really are not good for your hair and iron in the morning once you ge tthe hang of it it will only take ten fiteen minutes and head off. If it gets staticy then put a SMALL amount of Biologe curl defining cream in it. BEware this stuff is great but it expands over time so i mean a really small amount like the size of a pea or smaller

鈾hat good products do u use b4 and after straighting hair?

First, I think it is probably the best to straighten in the morning.

After your hair is wet put a straightening balm in it- my favorite is Aveda hang straight. When you're finished flat-ironing put a shine serum in your hair (it flattens out any frizz and helps prevent frizz later in the day)- my favorite serum is Aveda light elements smoothing fluid. I flat-iron my hair every day and it works extremely well (fyi I live in new orleans where the humidity is insane and these products still work really well)

The key to poker straight hair?

i found out that if you run a comb under your hair straightners as you straighten them it makes it poker straight but i'm having difficulty doing it, any one got any good tips?

The key to poker straight hair?

ghd straighteners....

The key to poker straight hair?

use really really small portions of hair, takes long but it can last for days

The key to poker straight hair?

When I straighten my hair I do it in 3 sections and LIGHTLY spray a flexible hairspray on before I use the flat iron. My hair stays stick straight yet bouncy all day. You can also try using Sunsilk volumizing does wonders with my hair!!

The key to poker straight hair?

first %26amp; foremost, make sure the iron you're using is hot enough. ceramic is preferrable.

you don't neccessarily need to run a comb under the iron, but it does help. starting as close to the root as you can get, lift the hair with the comb, and then just follow the comb down the hair shaft with the iron. pull the hair strands up/to the side/away from the head, whatever you need to do to get the iron close to the root.

also, section your hair off when you're ironing it. (put the top layer into a half-pony while you straighten the bottom.) the less hair you're straightening at a time, the more the heat will be able to penetrate it, making it straighter.

and of course, make sure you're using a straightening balm/lotion/etc, not only to assist in the straightening, but to protect your hair. paul mitchell super skinny serum is a good one.

hope this helps!

The key to poker straight hair?

You can get a syrum that you can put on your hair it shines %26amp; helps hair straighten it a little like oil but none greasy.

You dont really need a comb a brush would do.

1st tie your hair up, you need to do it in sections.

2ed start with the underneath of your hair in small/medium sections, not to much or the straightner will not get it all.

3ed comb/brush hair straight (the section you are working with) keep hair taught then start @ the top working your way down. When you get to the ends start half way up again %26amp; pull down a little slower. (you pull to fast it does not give it enough time to smooth down the hair shaft)

keep doing this all the way through.


tie hair back let down small amount of hair straighten, un- tie hair, let down more hair straighten, keep doing this until you have let down all of your hair

Some good products to try: Chi Silk Infusion, Redken Smooth Down, Biosilk: Silk Therapy Serum or Nexxus Heat Protexx.

there is a site

with more tips

The key to poker straight hair?

My hair is naturally wavy and I use a product called "Poker Straight" (funnily enough!). It's made by Lee Clarke and they sell it in Boots. It's about 鎷?-鎷? a bottle but it's excellent. You spray it on your hair before you straighten it.

The key to poker straight hair?

If you really want poker poker straight hair, the only way to do it really is with GHDs... they may be more expensive but they are really worth it! They damage your hair less as you don't have to do the same strand again and again to get it straight. They can also curl your hair, make it wavy etc.

I think my sister regrets buying them as I use them quite a bit...!

The key to poker straight hair?

Begin with washing your hair well. Start by brushing your hair while it's dry, then shampooing twice and leaving some conditioner on for at least 5 minutes. When you've done, rinse your hair very thoroughly with really cold water for shine and softness. If you want to dry hair with a hairdryer, begin by using a medium setting to lightly dry your hair. When it's damp, section your hair and use a vented brush (one with holes in!) to hold your hair straight and point the concentrator nozzle down the hair shaft on a cool setting. Make sure you dry it thoroughly to avoid frizz.

To straighten your hair...

First section your hair with clips, spray on some heat protection spray and use a fine toothed comb to pull a small amount of your hair out and run your straighteners down twice. After you've carefully done each section, brush hair with a paddle brush, smooth on some serum and spritz on some hair spray. GHDs are really good for this. They're the only straighteners I've found that give you that shine and sleekness. I think the key to poker straight hair is to just be careful and take your time. Section your hair well and be really thorough. Good luck!

The key to poker straight hair?

i use GHD hair straighteners with lee stafford heat protection spray and anti- frizz spray. hair stays gorgeous all day long!

The key to poker straight hair?

plz jus do ur hair den work it yer

loads of luv xx

The key to poker straight hair?

Hi just using GHD's and a really good heat protection spray helps. I wondered why the hairdresser always used a comb when straightening my hair. I have tried this myself but I find it really hard to do to as my hair is thick. The key is to pin all the hair up and take it down little bit by little bit. The only way to get poker straight hair is to get someone to do it for you. My hair is 10 times straighter when I get someone else to do it for me.

All I would do is if you straighten it infront of the mirror have another mirror handy and keep checking the back of the hair to see if you have got it straight enough. Thats all I do. It takes a while especially if you have long hair.

The key to poker straight hair?

Get your mum to buy you some GHD's and watch all the tips on Good Morning!

The key to poker straight hair?

ghd straightners are the best ones you can have or go to a salon and get your hair chemically straightened it lasts for about half a year its a bit pricy but its really good.

good luck xxx

The key to poker straight hair?

Well .. if you want poker straight hair, theres just 1 thing you need.





A pair of GHD Straighteners ( GHD = Good Hair Day )

They are much more expensive than most other straighteners out there ( i bought mine for 鎷?20 ) but once you try them, you'll never look back.

I bought mine about a year ago and i don't know how i ever managed without them !! They make my hair "poker staright" and the effects last about 2days.

Theres no need to start running a comb under your straighteners as GHD's make you hair dead straight anyway.

Bad Hair fall ???

i have drandruff, and after shower it gets dried and frizz even though i use mousse after shampooing. i also loss hair, i meant i think it breaks off when i comb my hair . i would like to know if somebody could help me out with it....!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bad Hair fall ???

pantene 3 minute conditioner works best

Bad Hair fall ???

You need to use a good conditioner. Also try moisturizing Dandruff shampoo.

Bad Hair fall ???

You can stop hair loss using many cheap and effective home remedies.Egg white, lemon juice, oil massage are other home remedies at will prevent further problems.

How to alter your hair direction growth.?

im a male and i usually dont cut my hair for 2 months. as the 2nd month nears i let my hair start growing without any combing, were before i used to raise the front or something lie that. When i let my hair grow out without touching it it used to grow towards my eyes meaning that the hair from the right side of my face above my ear would grow towards my right eye covering the visible skin and it would do the same for the left side of the face. From left to the eye direction. I would let my "bangs" grow out and they would naturally curl towards the right. All of this worked out as it happened but just recently the hair on my sides started growing down rather than towards the eyes and i want it to grow towards my eyes because then it looks like i have a bowl on my head and my side hair has been parted which i dont want. I basically want my head hair to grow towards my face- from the circle on the back of my head going straight towards my eyes. Can anyone help me with this?

How to alter your hair direction growth.?

You cannot change the pattern of your hair growth... but hair length (the weight of your hair) can work for you in trying to style your hair in the direction that you desire. You can use a grooming gel as well, to help hair stay in the direction your would like.

How to alter your hair direction growth.?

You can not alter the natural growth pattern of your hair.

Help for frizzy curly (but not curly enough when combed). my hair looks like I had a perm. how can I

define the curls or strighten it without giving myself split ends, they look hideous, and damaging my hair. I also have highlights, I like them adn will keep getting them, so something that damages my hair to the minimum would be preferred. Thanks!

Help for frizzy curly (but not curly enough when combed). my hair looks like I had a perm. how can I either?

when you dry it, or strighten it, use biosilk serum first, then when using an iron, use a ceramic or golden one, apply the spray than protects it. don't both blow dry and use an iron, let it dry naturally then use one or the other. for curls, apply a mousse when the hair is wet, but get some style in your hair, so that the curls will be bouncy, use Redken curl definer, or any other product like that. when you get a chance do an deep conditioning for min 5 minutes, but you can leave it in longer. I also like the back to basics stuff, but different products work for different hair. highliting your hair damages it a lot....takes the shine away, makes it brittle. deel conditioning asap! LOL

Help for frizzy curly (but not curly enough when combed). my hair looks like I had a perm. how can I either?

I have a perm and I love it, its so easy. I just take a shower in the morning and then scrunch in a little garnier fructis mousse. My hair gets a little firzzy at first, but by the time I get to work it is all dried and perfect.

Help for frizzy curly (but not curly enough when combed). my hair looks like I had a perm. how can I either?

My hair is close to the same. I comb my hair and then let it almost completely dry and add a little bit of leave in conditioner. ( Garnier Fructis, Sleek N Shine) This helps define my curls without being sticky or hard. Try rubbing a little onto the ends of your hair after your shower and see if that helps. Good Luck.

Help for frizzy curly (but not curly enough when combed). my hair looks like I had a perm. how can I either?

I have real curly hair girl. Especially in humididty. I use a frizz cream from Dove and I also get mouse and run that through my hair . Blow dry or air dry and I don't get to frizzed out. Lately I dont use the mouse but my hair is now almost to my butt crack. Also get a spray leave in conditioner. Conditioning is very important. Herbal escence has some good conditioners for frizz right now I am also using. Good Luck.

Help for frizzy curly (but not curly enough when combed). my hair looks like I had a perm. how can I either?

Hair advice (hair styles ideas) (movie star hair styles) (Straighten frizzy hair) (Fix a bad hair day) (Fix split ends) (How to grow long hair)

Help for frizzy curly (but not curly enough when combed). my hair looks like I had a perm. how can I either?

Dont go out and buy anything expensive.

First: Purchase a mild Shampoo (To Clarify hair, I will explain why)

Second: TRIM your hair ends (May 1 1/2 to 2 inches)

Third: Here's the magic part: Mix olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil, avocado oil and a "little" honey, (honey u will have to heat so it can blend). Either leave on ALL day or all night (if all nite, DONT use honey)

Use a teaspoon of every oil and honey,.... a little more if ur hair is long or a little less if ur hair is short

Repeat this 3-4 times a week, your hair will grow like a weed, fortify, reconstruct, moisturize, soften %26amp; remove all frizz I promise,..... and it will be super shiny!!!!

The clairifying shampoo will help take the oil off your hair when u shower

You can also use a conditioner but get a light conditioner that wont wiegh ur hair down, becuz u can over condition, I use herbl essences "clean happy" conditioner.

When I do this at nite, I wake up, shampoo %26amp; condition, rinse and style as usual. Has worked for years

You can find olive oil anywere, but the other oils you will have to buy at a local organics store, wholes foods or BJ's health corner.


Naturally wavy hair goes nuts when washed, gelled or moussed?

I have thick wavy hair and I've been growing it out since I'm trying for a Patrick Dempsey look. Since it's been growing I've noticed some post-washing changes. After i shower/shampoo/condition/apply product on my hair (any permutation or combination) it looks great. Perfect volume, softness, texture, shape-ability, hold, natural glow, etc. It even looks a bit like Dempsey's hair by just combing with my hands. But when it dries completely after an hour, it curls up in to medium to small rings, flattens and frizzes out. Needless to say, it looks bad. The thing is, when i dont wash my hair, it looks great, but i dont have a way to keep it in place or style it without any product. These are the products i use now:

Shamp: Head %26amp; Shoulders : smooth and silky

Cond: Garnier Fructis for dry %26amp; damaged hair

Loreal Paris : mega mousse mega hold


TRESemme mega hold gel

Any recommendations as to what i should do? I'd rather not NOT wash my hair to keep it looking half decent.

Naturally wavy hair goes nuts when washed, gelled or moussed?

Have you tried John Frieda Frizz Ease? I swear by that stuff.

Naturally wavy hair goes nuts when washed, gelled or moussed?

better dont gel. Must moussed.. style and the wavy will look nicer than gel. moussed look natural... gel look like very not natural effect.

Naturally wavy hair goes nuts when washed, gelled or moussed?

maybe try washing it the nite before a nite out? i also have curly hair (im female and its long) and oftern my curls are much looser and look better the next day.

so sometimes i'll wash and style it while wet with product- use Fructis spray %26amp; style gel then part dry it with a hair dryer, then the next days it just sits better.

Naturally wavy hair goes nuts when washed, gelled or moussed?

i used to have that problom. as soon as u walk out of the shower put ur hair in a tight bun. it will take longer to dry but it looks much better then withough it

Naturally wavy hair goes nuts when washed, gelled or moussed?

I have long wavy hair that can look like lion king after showers. But - there's hope yet.

Try drying it with the hair dryer blowing it downwards (using your fingers to guide it). Then sleep on it. It will help make it look more manageable.

Naturally wavy hair goes nuts when washed, gelled or moussed?

I would recommend a nice shave it

Is it true that if you put perm solution on curly hair and comb it straight,it will make it straight

although it is the same chemicals, don't do it! try the easy straight 3 month straightener by haime munoz, around $30.00 at drug stores and beauty supply shops. the perm solution will just drip and burn your hair and scalp, and combing it with the solution in will break the hair off completely (besides the solution is not slippery enough to allow a comb to be used). the 3 month straightener is creamy and made to be applied to a free lock of hair (not a rolled one). it is called 3 month straightener because you only need to treat new growth after 3 to 6 months. please note that this straightener is better for a thick hair diameter--not hair that looks thick because there is alot of it. follow the directions, and i mean follow them to a 't'--no second guessing---read all the directions, call the manufacturer if you have any doubts whatsoever--they want to hear from you!

they sent me a free full size hair product! they have a website which is very helpful.... i used the easy straight and my hair is healthy and shiny and straight, i still can't believe it's my hair!---before it was crazy curly, poofy, kinky, and frizzy (a big ugly mess), i hated it. .now i love my hair, it looks like the hair on the models in the pantene commercials--i also use a ceramic flat iron, but it takes me 35-40 minutes to do my almost waiste length hair when it used to take about 4 hours. it stays straight in humid, rainy weather, and dries quickly after a shampoo, too. i have tried other straighteners and this was the only one that worked for me. so if you were thinking of trying a regular perm solution to straighten your hair, DON"T!! use a product that is meant for straightening, not curling it

i hope this helps!

Is it true that if you put perm solution on curly hair and comb it straight,it will make it straight?

Oh, what a dud--pardon me. I ment to add "(relaxer)" after I said 'perm'... Report It

Is it true that if you put perm solution on curly hair and comb it straight,it will make it straight? it's down right now, probably 4 maintenance. try googling 'easy straight', try and http://www.hairstraightening.n... see 'tips' section at folica for the sedu flat iron 4 good ideas. Report It

Is it true that if you put perm solution on curly hair and comb it straight,it will make it straight?


Is it true that if you put perm solution on curly hair and comb it straight,it will make it straight?

Yes this works. I have very curly and this is what they did to my hair.

Is it true that if you put perm solution on curly hair and comb it straight,it will make it straight?

you are looking for a relaxer. people commonly call it a "perm" because it is semi-permanent like a curly perm is. when you go to the salon ( i would not recommend trying this your self especially if you are inexperienced) ask for a relaxer that will last or a "straight perm". The two solutions are different. Good luck!

Is it true that if you put perm solution on curly hair and comb it straight,it will make it straight?

Not a good idea. Straightening your hair has no room for error.

With a home perm, it just gets curly. There are certainly wrong ways to have curly hair, but no one checks to see that every curl is of uniform diameter and depth.

With straightening, all the hair has to be straight. Errors show up. If one section of hair gets kinked as it cures, it'll stick out permanently. Besides, there's all kinds of texture issues that surface with straight hair. It could be limp or stringy. Best get a good stylist to do it right.

Is it true that if you put perm solution on curly hair and comb it straight,it will make it straight?

I had it done three times but the curl came back after the first wash.

Is it true that if you put perm solution on curly hair and comb it straight,it will make it straight?

Well that IS what perms are for.

Is it true that if you put perm solution on curly hair and comb it straight,it will make it straight?

it will ruin ur hair!

Black female hair care?

I am a black.What do you black females do with your hair,is it permed,natural,hot combed?How do you keep it good?I had natural thick black people hair and a lot of it,then I permed it,and now its real long and i still have a lot of it. Do you think I should go back natural or stay this way.It isn't damaged or anything.I just keep getting so much new growth and everyone thinks its nice permed.I should've never permed it

If I leave it permed,what are some hairstyles besides a ponytail that I could put it in?

Black female hair care?

same here...I feel weird with my hair straight....just look threw the black hair magazine...they have alot of nice styles in there

if you are more confortable with it natural...then do it...BUT it will be a LONG process you will have to grow your hair out...and will have to keep it in braids or something until it completely grows out... and you'll have to make sure your hair NEVER dries out...

OR you can have your hair waves =]...if you texturized you hair...yoiu can put some mousse in will take a while for the curls to look'll have to keep doing it for a good sister does...and it looks soo good

oh and you shouldn't have your hair pulled back so're forehead will grow...if you know what I mean...I wear my hair down when I put my hair in hairline is nice and be careful

Black female hair care?

There should be no problem with you hair abiet you are black. You must be having stronger hair than other white coloured women. Nice to meet you.

Black female hair care?

im not black... lol

but i was in cosmetology and we do learn bout all different ethnicities of hair care.

either way....i dont think t matter whether you perm it or not....i think it looks good both ways...

but you take LESS chance damaging it if you keep it natural.

besides a pony tail... you could try a head-band every once in a while....

try jus puttin twist on one side of ya head... let tha rest be curly n wavy...or half way round....i kno u kno wat im talkin bout....even everyonce in a while get some extentions or sum'um ta spice it up...try a few highlights...but some thing that still looks natural.

if u have longer hair....try puttin layers in give it some volume n life...

but well hope i help u out alil bit ther.

Black female hair care?


Black female hair care?

My hair is permed, and my hair is past my shoulder. I apply an hair dressing to my hair and scalp twice a week and message it in. I use an hair dressing that contains natural herbs and vitamins and minerals. I also use a oil sheen hair spray to my hair before styling every morning. I don't use rubber bands on my hair. Also don't over comb and brush your hair, this causes your hair to stretch and break off. I also do not use heated hair appliance to my hair. Shampoo your hair every 7 to 10 days. Our hair does not need to be shampooed and conditioned every week. That ruins our hair and we loose our natural oils in our hair. I wet set my hair. For permed hair styles is the same hair styles for pressed hair. Just buy you some plastic, magnetic rollers with the smooth barrel and roll up your hair every night. Or wrap your hair up and wear it straight. Or just roll your hair up half way up and wear loose bouncy curls or roll up the ends for loose cursl. There are a lot of hair styles for relax hair.

I wear my hair in sprial curls on the week days and wear loose curls on the weekends.

Ok b ohnest do you thing how my hair is is ugly?

ok it is down to my but and all even my bro says it old fashion and othere ppl say it so beatiful im mean yeah long hair is ugly when ppl dont comb it it looks all tangled and groos but i take like very very very good care of ot

Ok b ohnest do you thing how my hair is is ugly?

your hair is only ugly if you think it is. Don't listen to what people have to say unless you are obsessed with fashion. I have long hair and i take very good care of it and people don't care what my hair looks like. The only way they would notice is if i went bald. Wear your hair the way you feel like it.

Ok b ohnest do you thing how my hair is is ugly?

me personally like girls with long hair

Ok b ohnest do you thing how my hair is is ugly?

Sorry, I can't tell by looking at your avatar, and I am being honest.

Ok b ohnest do you thing how my hair is is ugly?

The latest fashion is lighter, might look younger if you add some layers.

Ok b ohnest do you thing how my hair is is ugly?

put it down it looks a lot hotter!

Ok b ohnest do you thing how my hair is is ugly?

Honestly? Being vain is over rated. Who really cares how long your hair is? If you look back is 20 years do you think that your hair is going to be your biggest priority? Do you like your hair? That should be the only person that matters. (well you and God of course)

Ok b ohnest do you thing how my hair is is ugly?

no..cuz im trying to grow out my hair super long too!!

i think that if you style it right it might make you look so

exotic! =)

Growing my hair out???

I just got out of middle school and i have hair that barely touches my shoulder. Now i am going to highschool and i want to grow my hair out over the summer. What can i do?

My Hair seems to break off

I get my hair done every 2 weeks

I don't have a perm

My hair gets washed every 2 weeks

I wrap my hair at nite with a silk scarf on a silk pillow

I guess i comb and brush my hair a little too much

I wear my hair down in a side part almost everyday

I use Biosilk silktherepy hair oil, and JOJOBA oil.

What am i doing wrong that is making my hair break off and not get longer?

Please tell me what i can do. Thanks in advance!!

Growing my hair out???

Yes, I agree with that woman, you should get some vitamins. If you want your hair to be healthy and grow faster, you should get zinc, silicon (silicium) and brewer閳ユ獨 yeast. Those will help you to improve your hair condition...

AND you must use shampoo and balsam for damaged hair (even if your hair isn't damaged; believe me - it helps!), it's very good that you use oil (use it once a week). Then you should wear your hair into a ponytail or a bun (then your hair won't touch your clothes and won't get damaged).

Don't drink too much alcohol, don't smoke.

Try not to get stressed too much, because it won't help you...

Well, good luck ;) Hope I could help you!

Growing my hair out???

Try taking vitamins. I know it sounds crazy, but look for pre-natal vitamins. When I was pregnant, and took these, my hair literally grew 12 inches longer in 9 months.

Growing my hair out???

Well you are doing lots of great hair healthy things. Keep up with the Satin because it does not snag and break the hair. Also keep up with the oilings.

Do not use any heat or chemicals on your hair because they can be very damaging.

When you was only apply the shampoo to the scalp area unless your length (ears down) is very greasy, dirty, ect.

Make sure you use a very good conditioner. Doesn't have to be salon brand or expensive, Alberto VO5, Suave, Aussie, all have moisture rich conditioners.

Try taking a multivitamin. You can also take Biotin, MSM, and Prenatal Vitamins to help your hair grow longer and be heathier.

Try going to that forum. Even if you don't want extrememly long hair like some of them have they have great hair practices and know what causes damage and how to prevent it. They are nice. You should search the posts and then post yourself.

Growing my hair out???

Do you flat iron if you do use TRESemme' s new heat prtection so you won't get heart damage.

Growing my hair out???

do not brush it when wet. use large tooth comb and start at the bottom do small sections

Does anyone know a really good shampoo that i can use cause i have curly hair and its hard to manage

I have a hard time combing it cause i have thick wavy/curly hair! Any suggestions???

Does anyone know a really good shampoo that i can use cause i have curly hair and its hard to manage, and comb

When you wash your hair, do it in the shower so that your hair stays relatively straight. Don't pile it on your head when you shampoo it or swirl it around. Wet it and apply the shampoo. Then use just your fingertips to go into the hair to get to the scalp. Let the suds run down your hair instead of tangling it as you wash it. Use a conditioner made for curly hair if you want but again don't swirl or tangle your hair when you apply it. Rinse standing directly under the shower head to keep your hair as straight as possible. Pat the excess water out of it. Use a spray on detangler if you want to do so. Comb through it with your fingers gently then a wide tooth comb.

Remember the rougher your treat it wet the more tangled it will be when you want to style it.

I hoped that helps and I envy you your curls!

Does anyone know a really good shampoo that i can use cause i have curly hair and its hard to manage, and comb


Does anyone know a really good shampoo that i can use cause i have curly hair and its hard to manage, and comb

Use a leave in conditioner it helps my daughter.

Does anyone know a really good shampoo that i can use cause i have curly hair and its hard to manage, and comb

Garnier Fructice, and use shine spray and alot of condition because it weighs down the hair and it wont be so frizzy, then use a spray in condition that you can leave in so it combs through easy

try it and then give me 10 points please.

Does anyone know a really good shampoo that i can use cause i have curly hair and its hard to manage, and comb

dove is great and moisturizes so well and doesn't weigh your hair down I love it

and not crazy expensive

Does anyone know a really good shampoo that i can use cause i have curly hair and its hard to manage, and comb

dove is great i have curly hair so i use the intense moisture

Does anyone know a really good shampoo that i can use cause i have curly hair and its hard to manage, and comb

garnier fructis

or mane n' tail (available at Sally's)

or beyond the zone noodle head shampoo/conditioner - also available at sally beauty supply

Does anyone know a really good shampoo that i can use cause i have curly hair and its hard to manage, and comb

try Pantene Pro-V Hydrating Curls line, and Charles Worthington Results Instant Curl Reviver Spray ( it detangles and defines your curls), and use a wide tooth comb, and DON"T BRUSH IT WHEN IT'S WET, THAT BREAKS YOUR HAIR AND CREATES THE FRIZZ!!!hope that helps

Does anyone know a really good shampoo that i can use cause i have curly hair and its hard to manage, and comb

frizz ease. i use the whole 5 step process cuz it works best. stay away from cheap brands, for $1.99, you won't be getting anything good.

Does anyone know a really good shampoo that i can use cause i have curly hair and its hard to manage, and comb

yah u can use curl around by frizz-eaza and curly q's!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does anyone know a really good shampoo that i can use cause i have curly hair and its hard to manage, and comb

I have curly hair too and I use the John Frieda shampoos

Are there ways to comb your hair so it looks fuller when its dry?

Brush it upside down.

Are there ways to comb your hair so it looks fuller when its dry?

Sure. Imitate D. Trump.

Seriously, have you heard of "teasing" the hair? I can't describe it, so maybe you could ask someone.

Are there ways to comb your hair so it looks fuller when its dry?

Yes. Stop wearing it in the same style. If you wear it to the left, then change and wear it to the right. It should pump up the volume.

Are there ways to comb your hair so it looks fuller when its dry?


Are there ways to comb your hair so it looks fuller when its dry?

use a round brush and a blowdryer swirl ur hair round the brush while blowdrying

Are there ways to comb your hair so it looks fuller when its dry?

When your hair is wet, add mousse to the roots of your hair and then finger-comb. It's supposed to lift the hair and provide volume as it dries. If your hair is already dry, however, spray a little bit of hairspray onto a section of hair roots, then slightly tease upwards and let it fall. It provides the same effect.

Are there ways to comb your hair so it looks fuller when its dry?

brush it up side down r jus frizz it up no water r anything that can moist it up

Are there ways to comb your hair so it looks fuller when its dry?

Brush it upside down, use your hairdryer with your head flipped upside down or lift your roots, shoot some hairspry on them and dry them that way

Are there ways to comb your hair so it looks fuller when its dry?

yes flip your hair upside down and then hairspray it then flip it back up.I just did this for a wedding .. I curled my hair too.I personally thought it looked great!

Hair fetish?

I have a 10yrs old nephew that has a hair fetish. every since he was younger he will alway rub up again his mother arms or legs to feel the hair on his nose and now he is 10yrs old he walk around with a hair ball in his hand from the comb and rub it on his nose. one night he stayed at my house and the next day when i was changing the sheets on the bed i almost had a heartattack it was a bed full of hair ball. He's a wonderful %26amp; bright kid.But how do i get him to stop.

Hair fetish?

Try replacing them w/ cotton balls. Don't know if it will be the same; but if it's a habit that is trying to be broken, it's simple, just do away w/ the hair balls. But to still be nice about it you could replace it w/ something that might be similar. What about those troll dolls? They have some wild hair that might feel just the same.

Hair fetish?

i would take him to a therapist. it sounds like he has some serious issues.

Hair fetish?

Get him one of those rubber balls that are called "hair balls". Tell him while he visits this is the only "hair ball" he can carry around with him. They sell them at wal-mart and Target.

Making cute wavy actress hair??

I watch what i like about you occasionally and i wish my hair would look like Amanda B. cant spell last name. I had got my cosmo in and it said braid your hair in 3'' sections and try blow drying hair upside down, finger comb it.

It just did nt come out very well. Any tips, my hair is in mid back and not thin but not thick...

thanks in advance

Making cute wavy actress hair??

The braiding should have worked make sure that you use a product in it like a gel or something to give it some hold. Then the person before is right. The 3 barrell curling iron is amazing. You can get them almost everywhere. It looks like a normal curling iron but with 3 rods on it to curl rather than just the one. You would use it kind of like a crimping iron. Opening it and then clamping down on the hair, then opeing and then clamping down from root to end in sections. Gives a very nice effect. They come in different sizes for varied effects!! Hope this helped!!

Making cute wavy actress hair??

why don't you just 3 barrel it?

Making cute wavy actress hair??

when you get out of the shower.... comb through your hair, with a towel try to pat out lots of water, then put some gel in your hair (not on the scalp, just the hair.) scrunch it up with your fingers and dry it upside down using a difuser on the end of your blow dryer... continuing to scrunch it up and adding more gel as you dry it. when it is 100% dry and cool, do not comb or brush it... lightly run your fingers through it like a comb.

you can buy a diffuser at any store, even something like a rite-aid or target or anything... they're not expensive and they just click onto the end of your blow dryer.

Olive oil hair treatment?

(This is my first post)

I was reading up on some hair treatments the other day, and noticed that olive oil was mentioned a lot of times. So, after reading these, I decided to try it myself. I bought a bottle of extra virgin olive oil, massaged it into my hair (while it was dry), combed it through, put a shower cap on my head and waited about 10 minutes. I then took the shower cap off and washed out the oil under the shower, while shampooing it, in order to get all of the oil out. Once I finished doing that, I got out of the shower, sprayed heat-protection spray on my hair, dried my hair as much as I could with a towel, and used a hair-dryer to properly dry it.

There was one problem... I couldn't notice any difference! My hair was still as shiny as it usually was, it didn't feel any smoother... Did I do anything wrong? Can somebody explain to me the best way to do it?


Olive oil hair treatment?

Apply the oil on damp hair so it will penetrate into your scalp and that's all. If you have oily scalp use less or if you have a dry scalp use more.

Olive oil hair treatment?

What I do is leave it on all night.

And when I shower, I use shampoo then a leave-in conditioner.

Personally, I think more than anything ti's supposed to keep your hair from not falling out and stuff.

Olive oil hair treatment?

well,... i use olove oil ....but i leave it like 2 - 3 hours..and my hair after that is silky and stuff...

Olive oil hair treatment?

you need to heat a towel in the dryer or microwave...(be careful if you heat it in the microwave or you will burn the towel)...

Then wrap that around your hair while it is in the shower cap...It is basically a hot oil treatment. As with most treatments, you may not see a difference after the first use especially if you use a lot of products in your hair. Using a hair dryer is really bad for your hair, it is better to let it air dry.

And no, olive oil treatments for hair aren't just for ethnic hair types...AND olive oil isn't just for cooking, it has various uses.

But the key is to use it like a hot oil treatment. I've done it myself.

Olive oil hair treatment?

You can't notice a difference just by trying this one day try making that treatment more often for a sort time 2-4 weeks and see if you still don't get any result try this one maybe it might be better!!Also the oils treatment is mostly for dry hair but u can use it also to moisture your hair!!

Things You'll Need

* 3 tbsp. of olive oil

* 3 tbsp. of canola oil

* Microwaveable bowl

* Wide tooth comb

* Warm towel


Step One

Mix the olive oil and canola oil in a microwaveable bowl.

Step Two

Place a bath towel in the dryer, so that it will be warm when you need it.

Step Three

Heat the mixture of olive and canola oil in the microwave until it is warm. Let it cool for a few minutes before applying it to your hair.

Step Four

Pour some of the oil on your hands, rub your hands together and then start applying the oil mixture to your hair.

Step Five

Work the mixture into the ends of your hair first and then into your scalp. Comb your hair with a wide toothed comb to make sure that it is evenly distributed throughout your hair.

Step Six

Take your towel out of the dryer and wrap all of your hair in it. Keep the towel on for at least 30 minutes.

Step Seven

Wash and style your hair as normal.

Tips %26amp; Warnings

* Try adding rosemary, honey or peppermint oil to the mixture, to give your hair a nice scent.

* If you have very dry hair, use this hot oil treatment every two weeks.

Olive oil hair treatment?

Never wash it out. It is a leave in treatment. Stop blow drying it. Let your hair dry naturally.

Olive oil hair treatment?

Oh sweety not cooking oil... Olive oil is a treatment that black people use on their hair. If you are trying for this then you will have to go to your local store any will do that sells product. Find the ile where black hair products are sold, there is where you will find the olive oil treatment.

Best of luck... if nothing else ask a store clerk...

How can i allign all the hair in my violin bow?

the bow hairs looks horrible it was like a hair that needed to be combed. how can i allign those hair to make better sound on my violin. i don't wanna buy another bow its too expensive here in my area.

How can i allign all the hair in my violin bow?

You sound like you need a bow rehair. They are necessary maybe once a year, more often if you're a serious musician. A rehair costs maybe fifty dollars, and is just replacing all the hair on the bow. You can go to a violin maker or send it to one for the rehair job. Until then, just rosin it well. You don't need a new bow, but a rehair is probably a good idea, especially if the bow hasnt been used in a while.

How can i allign all the hair in my violin bow?

tighten it

When is the best time to comb your hair? when it's dry or wet?

I have curly hair and tends to be frizzy also


When is the best time to comb your hair? when it's dry or wet?

Comb it while you're in the shower, then do it again while you towel dry.

When is the best time to comb your hair? when it's dry or wet?

i comb my hair when it's wet

When is the best time to comb your hair? when it's dry or wet?

it's easier to comb my hair when it's wet

When is the best time to comb your hair? when it's dry or wet?

First comb it wet to get the knots out and then when it drys brush it again when it is dry!

When is the best time to comb your hair? when it's dry or wet?

When it is wet it's easy to brush.

My best-friend has curly and frizzy hair and she said when you do wash your hair use cold water.

When is the best time to comb your hair? when it's dry or wet?

It is best to comb your hair while it is still wet. Also you should start combing at the ends of your hair and work your way up. And only comb a small part of your hair at a time.

When is the best time to comb your hair? when it's dry or wet?

when wet use a wide tooth comb and when dry comb with a brush.

When is the best time to comb your hair? when it's dry or wet?

Dry 300 srokes at least gets rid of all the hair you dont need and shapes it

When is the best time to comb your hair? when it's dry or wet?

wet, so you can get out all the nots and stuff earlier.

When is the best time to comb your hair? when it's dry or wet?

Put a leave in conditioner on and comb it out while it is wet.start from the ends and work your way to the root area. That way you will have less damage from the comb out.If you have fine hair, you can put the conditioner on the ends only.That way your hair won't be a grease spot by the end of the day.As a stylist I like the smoothing shampoo and conditioner by Matrix.If you don't like that try bouncy cream by ISO.Good luck and God Bless.

When is the best time to comb your hair? when it's dry or wet?

Combing hair when wet is OK. Brushing hair when wet stretches the hair and causes frizzes. There are many products also for frizzes, check with your local hair salon for the one that best fits your type of hair.

When is the best time to comb your hair? when it's dry or wet?

Don't brush your hair when it is wet. Brushing your hair while wet will stretch it out and eventually your hair will break off.

Brush your hair b/4 showering to prevent tangles. If you must brush your hair to achieve a certain look or part in your hair use a wide-tooth comb not a brush.

When is the best time to comb your hair? when it's dry or wet?

its easier to comb your hair when its wet!! when its dry knots are harder to get out.

When is the best time to comb your hair? when it's dry or wet?

I think you should comb your hair when it's wet then when it dries, "BRUSH" your hair because combing causes breakage :)

When is the best time to comb your hair? when it's dry or wet?

comb it when its wet but never brush it when it is wet as hair is up to 30% more time wekaer when wet. but it is safe to brush or comb hair when it is dry

Any suggestions about my hair piece?

I have one of those hair pieces that's a pony tail. It has a comb on the top and a comb on the bottom and a pullstring to tighten it. I put my hair in a bun or ponytail then try to put it on. The problem is that my hair is sooo thick that the combs aren't strong enough to hold the piece on! Is there a different type of hair piece that'd be better for me? Thanks!

Any suggestions about my hair piece?

yes they sell the hair pieces that have one of those clips that you squeeze the back and the front opens up with teeth instead.

you would put your hair in a pony tail and then clip on the clip over it. its very easy and secure

you can find them in most malls, they even have a cheap version on CVS sometimes.

Any suggestions about my hair piece?

You have to make your bun really tight...My hair is really long so I have a problem where when I put on a hair piece, the piece has a large hump...I would suggest you pull your hair really tight...braid your own pony tail and then wrap it tightly into a bun, then stick the combs infront of the rubber bands that are holding your ponytail together (closest to your scalp) then pull the draw strings to get it even tighter and hide them with bobby pins...Take the clips out...only use one or the other...either the clip or the comb but don't use both...I think the combs are better.

Any suggestions about my hair piece?

I would try a merkin instead of adapting a hairpiece made for your head!

Any suggestions about my hair piece?

yeah, that's about typical.

use bobby pins also.

Any suggestions about my hair piece?

why would you want to do that?? lol if you have thick beautiful hair..... go natural! using thoes things only break and damage your hair over time, then you'll need a wig......but long as you pull the stings tight enough it should hold the combs in place....good luck hun!

Any suggestions about my hair piece?

You can wear a short straight hair peice, which is also pretty. You could do different kind of hair styles. Like put it in a bun. Not too thick or thin. Wear your hair to the side and wear the short straight hair peice.

What can i do to get my hair to go?

My hair is shredding a lot when comb it and a little bit will i put my hands though it.

What can i do to get my hair to go?

Stress out a little more... Pretty soon you won't have any hair!

What can i do to get my hair to go?

Biolustre....its expensive but insanely amazing.

What can i do to get my hair to go?

sounds like it's damaged, maybe change to a better shampoo that will make you're hair stronger and healthier

What can i do to get my hair to go?


What can i do to get my hair to go?

Use a good anti-breakage shampoo, I recommend Tresseme myself

Also, if you use heat stylers a lot, such as hair straighteners or culring tongs or a hairdryer, use a heat protection before touching your hair with anything hot

It will stop your hair drying out and becoming brittle and straw-like

Air conditioning and central heating can also cause your hair to become brittle for some people too

What can i do to get my hair to go?

Your hair sounds like it might be breaking off. You want a good moisterizing shampoo and conditioner formulated for damaged hair. Tresseme %26amp; Pantene are wonderful. You also need a good deep conditioning treatment like hot oil or cholesterol. Do this once a week.

Also, get your dead ends clipped.

It could also be stress. Try relaxing a little more and modify your diet. Remember, the hair does tend to shed various times throughout the year.

What can i do to get my hair to go?

Take a multivitamin and drink lots of water. When I had my baby last year my head shed lots as well. But when I started doing that (along with a deep condition every week) it did wonders for my hair.

What can i do to get my hair to go?

id try to do like a hot oil trement to it and let it sit on there for about an hour with a shower cap over it. you can leave it on while you do your housework or while your just chillin out watchin your favorite can also go to your local walmart and buy prenatal vitamins...they aint gonna hurt ya and they have every vitamin that you need and promote good hair and nail growth.

What can i do to get my hair to go?

are u using a lot of heat appliances? if u r then i would stop.. do u dye ur ahir a lot? if you do then take a break.. conditioner.. and maybe go to a salon and ask ur stylist to help u come up with some hair treatments.. please answer my question;...

Some advice on african-american hair?

What is the very best way to have loose-sty hair for an african-american, and that it will look natural? The type of hair that's easliy to comb, and blows in the wind. I know of a relaxer, but you have to put oil or grease in it. It may look nice,but its sticky and greasy. Can anyone recommend someone or place to go? Can you give me more details? I really like to have loose wavy dark hair. I really appreciate all those who kindly help me!!

Some advice on african-american hair?

Key is moisture. Real moisture, and grease (petroleum based products or mineral oil based) is not moisture. It's gross and it traps in dirt and impurites in the hair and stay away from that entirely.

I use a line called Humble on my hair. Products are reasonably priced, around 4-7 dollars each, and are natural. I hate having anything weigh my hair down, and wear my hair in waves about 3-4 times a week.

1. Stay away from petroleum

2. Wash with a moisturizing shampoo (1/wk)

3. Deep condition (1/wk)

4. Use a real moisturizer (natural oils)

5. Style. I'll either braid all my hair in one braid in the back...or part it into four sections, then twist and pin them up individually. In the AM, I finger comb through. That's it.



also depends on the texture of your hair. You might have to flat-iron it after you put in the natural moisturizers, then do the remaining steps.

Some advice on african-american hair?

There are some hair moisturizers that won't make the hair sticky and greasy. Your hair needs moisture so it won't become dry and break off. I suggest you use Luster's Pink Oil Moisturizing Lotion. You can also add a oil sheen hair spray instead.

Some advice on african-american hair?

moisturizeing shampoo[''soft n gentle]'' and conditioner[in jar that looks like mayonnise its a colesterol conditioner] after shampoo when hair is still wet rinse out just a small amount of the conditioner leave a little in your hair put setting gel[''lotta body setting gel ''on hair rollers until completely dry useing hot irons will not give you enough bounce

Some advice on african-american hair?

I found that alot of natural hair products work best. Giovanni direct leave-in conditioner works great on my hair and does wonders on loosening my new growth while I am streching my relaxers. Try going to any vitamin store or H-E-B has a natural aisle. Also, buy a wider-toothed comb that does not have a sliver in the middle of the individual combs... these act as scissors and can rip through your hair.

More than just hair loss?

i am a guy. i am in early 20 years of age. everytime i comb or wash my hair, my hair falls out crazy. my hair line is receding. if i continue to lose hair like this, i will be bald within 2 years. not the hair on my head, my body hair is fallinf out too. my nose, sometimes my eye brows, especially my legs. sometimes people think i shave my leg. hair on my arm is very fine and short, even i can barely see it. whats wrong? i am not taking any medication so there shouldnt be any side effect or things like that. any idea?

More than just hair loss?

See a Doctor. It could be a sign of illness.

More than just hair loss?

Probably should see a dr. Here is a link that may help:

Good luck!

More than just hair loss?

Try the Goto Kola Chinese herb.

People say it cures hair loss.

Read about it here:

It's supposed to be a very popular herb in China, have you ever seen a bald Chinese dude? I didn't think so.